Bitte beachten Sie: IPC wird am Montag, 12. Dezember bis Freitag, 16. Dezember, Inventur durchführen. Bestellungen werden akzeptiert, aber nicht bis Montag, 19. Dezember bearbeitet. IPC Öffnungszeiten: IPC wird ohne Telefondienst geschlossen: Freitag, 23. Dezember Montag, 2. Januar Der IPC wird am Dienstag, den 3. Januar, wieder eröffnet. Wir nehmen weiterhin Bestellungen über E-Mail und Web während unserer Büroschließungen entgegen. Bitte E-Mail Kundenservice bei CustServiceipc. org oder OrderIPCipc. org. Handelsabkommen Auswirkungen auf die Elektronikindustrie. Die in der vergangenen Woche von der IPC Association Connecting Electronics Industries veröffentlicht wurde, ist ein Thema, das die Einzelheiten der Transatlantischen Handels - und Investitionspartnerschaft (T-TIP) und der TransPacific Partnership (TPP) erforscht. IPC hat IPC-A-600J, Acceptability of Printed Boards, die definitive illustrierte Anleitung zur Leiterplatten-Akzeptanz freigegeben. IPC kündigt eine ESD (elektrostatische Entladung) Control Certification Kurs für Elektronik-Montage-Trainer und Betreiber. Die Kurse und Zertifizierungen werden auf dem IPC Learning Management System, IPC EDGE, ausgeliefert. ZURÜCK ZUR KÜNFTIGEN Wenden Sie Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf IPC APEX EXPO 2017 In der Elektronikindustrie gibt es einen Punkt, wo Inspiration zu Innovation wird. Ein Punkt, wo die Branche außergewöhnliche Bildung und Technologie in realen Erfolg verwandelt. IPC APEX EXPO 2017 ist eine Gelegenheit, technologys zu erleben, dass Sie Pointee Sie in San Diego IPC APEX EXPO Februar 14-16, 2017, San Diego, Kalifornien, USABT in Amerika Amerika x26 Kanada Trading Türmchen und Dealerboards - BT Netrix BT Netrix Familie des Handels Turrets bietet für jeden Handelstisch etwas. Es gibt spezifische Produkt-Optionen für jeden Benutzer in todayx2019s trading Workflow beteiligt. Mit Web-, Smart-Touch-, Button - und Backoffice-Varianten ist für jeden etwas dabei, das im Trade Life Cycle arbeitet. Die Vorteile Sofortiger Zugang für wirklich integrierten Handel Der preisgekrönte BT Netrix ist ein hochmoderner Handelsturm, der für die strengen Anforderungen des Handelsraums konzipiert ist. Es wird von einem von drei Händlern weltweit genutzt und beläuft sich auf über 68.000 Händler in über 800 Handelsfirmen in mehr als 60 Ländern, die ihre geschäftskritische Kommunikation an BT anvertrauen. Schnelle, leistungsstarke und einfach zu bedienen: Die Geräte sind voll von Funktionen, die durch eine intuitive Benutzeroberfläche mit einfachen Bedienelemente und Farbdisplays, mit Touchscreen und Tasten-Optionen zur Verfügung. Alle Geräte unterstützen Dual-Ethernet-Verbindungen für die Widerstandsfähigkeit und die Möglichkeit der Verwendung von Power over Ethernet (60 W). Für BT Netrix stehen umfangreiches Zubehör und Zusatzmodule zur Verfügung. BT Netrix HiTouch. Passt zu dem Benutzer, der viele Clients verwaltet und mit ihnen über mehrere Medien einschließlich Sprache kommuniziert. Mit einer High-Definition-Display mit kapazitiven Touchscreen und eine Benutzeroberfläche, die alle Vorteile der Berührung und Gestik nutzt, verbindet HiTouch Smartphone-Funktionalität mit dem traditionellen Handel Revolver. Features wie eine eingebaute Kamera, eingebaute Lautsprecher-Kanäle und Gegensprechanlage, Breitband-Audio, lsquosecret til litrsquo Touch-Symbole, variable Farbe LEDs und beleuchtete Tasten. Das Gerät ist für Energieeffizienz mit sehr niedrigem Leistungsverbrauch während inaktiver Perioden ausgelegt. BT Netrix Schaltfläche. Bietet die Modularität, die erforderlich ist, um den Benutzer mit großen und komplexen Lautsprecheranforderungen sowie diejenigen, die Tasten zu berühren bevorzugen. BT Netrix-Taste unterstützt bis zu 24 Lautsprecherkanäle mit der Möglichkeit der vollen offenen oder Push-to-talk auf einzelne Kanäle oder bis zu 6 Gruppen von Kanälen. Zusätzliche Tastenmodule können bis zu 60 Tasten mit umfangreichen, bis zu 240 Seiten umfassenden Farbetiketten hinzugefügt werden. Kontextabhängige Menüs führen den Benutzer durch die umfangreiche Funktionalität und Gesprächsabwicklung. BT Netrix Büro. Passt zu einem Backoffice oder Licht Benutzer, der mehr vertraut ist mit einem Schreibtischtelefon. Es hat das Aussehen und das Gefühl von Tischtelefon, darunter ein Mobilteil mit Haken-Schalter und Freisprecheinrichtung sowie 4 Lautsprecher-Kanäle und Gegensprechanlage für Schreie und Linien auf dem Trading-Floor. Der Turm bietet Zugang zu 32 Leitungen sowie Abdeckung von zusätzlichen 40 Leitungen für Abholung eingehenden oder gehaltenen Anrufe und Beitritt zu anderen userrsquos Anrufe. Business Continuity amp Mobility BT hält Sie auf dem Markt, egal, ob Sie an Ihrem Schreibtisch oder unterwegs sind, und dass Sie die Geschäftskontinuität durch ungeplante Ereignisse haben. Händler-Sprachdienste können auch über BT Netrix Web, ein Soft-Client, die Händler vertrauten Zugriff auf Sprachdienste, auch von entfernten Standorten aus zugegriffen werden. Diese Funktionalität wird sicher und konform mit zentral gesteuertem Recording-Voice-Service für die Einhaltung gesetzlicher Vorschriften ausgeliefert. BT versteht, dass das handelnde Telefonsystem für unser Geschäft entscheidend ist und es die Extrameile geht, um sicherzustellen, dass unsere Operationen beide glatt und effective. ldquo sind - Kiyomi Saito. Präsident und CEO, Totan Jetzt anfragen Connected contentIPC - IQMXUserGuide Alliance MX Release 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch Bestellnummer B02200049 Release 12.1 IPC 777 Commerce Drive Fairfield, CT 06825-5500 USA Herausgegeben von Technical Publications IQMX Benutzerhandbuch - QuickList Control Modul und Lautsprecher 4 Hardkeys, Wie Freigabe und Menü. LOG ON 1. Drücken Sie Logn. 2. Geben Sie Ihre TRID ein. 3. Drücken Sie Speichern. 4. Geben Sie das Kennwort ein und drücken Sie erneut Speichern. LOG OFF 1. Drücken Sie Menu auf dem Control Module. 2. Drücken Sie Logn. 3. Drücken Sie Loff. PLACE A CALL 1. Seile eine Zeile oder drücke Hunt auf dem Control Module. 2. Wählen Sie die Nummer, die Sie anrufen möchten. ANTWORTEN ANRUFEN Drücken Sie die blinkende Leitungstaste oder drücken Sie den Softkey Float, wenn die eingehende Leitung von einer anderen Seite schwebt. RELEASE-ANRUFE (NICHT-INTERCOM) Drücken Sie am Steuergerät die Taste Freisprechen (links oder rechts) oder drücken Sie eine andere Leitungstaste. PLACE EXTERNAL CALLS ON HOLD Drücken Sie die entsprechenden linken oder rechten Hörer / Sprechpausen. Halten Sie das Control Module gedrückt. RETRIEVE RUFT AUF HOLD Drücken Sie den Softkey blinkende Leitung. TRANSFER AUF EIN ANDERES TRID 1. Drücken Sie Transfer auf dem Control Module. 2. Wählen Sie die TRID. 3. Warten Sie auf einen Ring, und drücken Sie dann Freigabe. KONFERENZRUFE 1. Wählen Sie eine freie Leitung und wählen Sie die erste Konferenz, die Sie Konferenz wollen. 2. Legen Sie diese Partei in die Warteschleife. 3. Wiederholen Sie die ersten beiden Schritte, bis alle Teilnehmer gedrückt halten und die Tasten blinken. 4. Drücken Sie die Handsprech-Konferenz. 5. Drücken Sie jede blinkende Linie, um alle Teilnehmer zusammen zu halten. 6. Am Ende der Konferenz drücken Sie Freigabe. LETZTE NUMMER REDIAL 1. Seize eine Zeile oder drücken Sie eine Jagd-Taste auf dem Control Module. 2. Drücken Sie die Wahlwiederholungstaste. ÄNDERN DER SEITENANZEIGE Drücken Sie die Tasten Page Up und Page Down auf dem Control Module, um von Seite zu Seite zu wechseln, oder drücken Sie den Softkey Seite auf dem Control Module und wählen Sie eine bestimmte Seite aus. ADD SPEED DIALS 1. Wählen Sie eine Seite, um die Kurzwahl zuzuweisen. 2. Drücken Sie Menu auf dem Control Module. Programm-Menüpunkte, Wähltasteneinträge und Softkeys wie Spdl, Logn, Save und Ring. 3. Drücken Sie Spdl im Menü. 4. Drücken Sie Hinzufügen, und drücken Sie eine Taste auf der ausgewählten Seite. 5. Wählen Sie die Nummer und drücken Sie Weiter. 6. Drücken Sie Hunt und, wenn Sie mehrere Sammelanschlüsse haben, drücken Sie den entsprechenden Softkey Hunt Group. 7. Geben Sie einen Deskriptor mit bis zu 8 Zeichen ein. 8. Drücken Sie auf Weiter und dann auf Speichern. EDIT SPEED DIALS 1. Wählen Sie die Seite für die Kurzwahl, die Sie ändern möchten. 2. Drücken Sie Menu auf dem Control Module. 3. Drücken Sie Spdl im Menü. 4. Drücken Sie Bearbeiten, dann ändern Sie den Softkey. 5. Drücken Sie Info, um die Einstellungen anzuzeigen. 6. Drücken Sie Spdl, um die Nummer zu bearbeiten, Hunt, um die Sammelgruppe zu bearbeiten, oder Dscr, um die Beschreibung zu bearbeiten. Verwenden Sie den Softkey Zurück, um unerwünschten Text zu löschen. 7. Wenn Sie fertig sind, drücken Sie Weiter und Speichern. ASSIGN-LINIEN ZU EINEM LAUTSPRECHER 1. Drücken Sie auf dem Steuermodul Menü. Lautsprecher-Regler einschalten. 2. Drücken Sie SPKR im Menü. 3. Wählen Sie die entsprechende Zeile aus. 4. Wählen Sie die 2-stellige Lautsprecher-Nummer. ENTFERNEN EINER LINIE AUS EINEM LAUTSPRECHER 1. Drücken Sie auf dem Steuermodul Menü. 2. Drücken Sie SPKV im Menü. 3. Wählen Sie den entsprechenden Kanal aus. 4. Drücken Sie Rückgängig. MOVE CALLS VON SPEAKERS TO HANDSETS Schalten Sie den HFM-Lautsprecher aus. Der Anruf wird zu einem Mobilteil / Gesprächspfad verschoben. Welches Handset / Talkpath LED-Lampen ist diejenige, die der Anruf umgeleitet wurde. TALK AUF EINEM KANAL Die Lautsprecher-Kippschalter sind standardmäßig auf Stumm geschaltet, was die mittlere Position ist. 1. Manuelle Verriegelung: Drücken Sie den Schalter nach unten, senden Sie Ihre Nachricht oder Ansage, und lassen Sie los, um den Schalter in die Mute-Position zurückzukehren. 2. Freisprechen: Drücken Sie den Schalter nach oben, senden Sie Ihre Nachricht oder Ansage, und drücken Sie den Schalter zurück in die mittlere Position. BROADCAST AUF MEHR ALS EINEM LAUTSPRECHERKANAL Richten Sie GRP1 GRP2 mit mehreren Leitungen ein. Verwenden Sie die Toggle-Schalter für die Gruppe, für die gesendet werden soll. ÄNDERN DES HANDSET RECEIVE VOLUME 1. Drücken Sie auf dem Control Module Menü. 2. Drücken Sie im Menü die Taste Vol. 3. Drücken Sie zum Ändern auf Vol oder Vol. 4. Drücken Sie Speichern und dann Beenden. CHANGE RING Wählen Sie die Seite mit der zu ändernden Zeile aus. 1. Drücken Sie auf dem Control Module Menü. 2. Drücken Sie Ring im Menü. 3. Drücken Sie erneut Ring. 4. Drücken Sie auf die Zeile, deren Ring Sie einstellen möchten, bis die LED die gewünschte Ringanzeige wie folgt anzeigt: Rot für kein Ring Grün für Dauerring Rot / Grün für Single Burst Klingelton 5. Drücken Sie Speichern. ÄNDERN DES RINGPITCH 1. Wählen Sie die Seite mit der zu ändernden Zeile aus. 2. Drücken Sie Menu auf dem Control Module. 3. Drücken Sie Ptch. 4. Drücken Sie eine der Tonarten: HiPr, LoPr, INTA oder Mesg. 5. Taste Pegel 1 drücken. 7. 6. Drücken Sie Speichern und dann Beenden. ÄNDERN DES RING-VOLUMENS 1. Drücken Sie auf dem Steuermodul Menü. 2. Drücken Sie Ring im Menü. 3. Drücken Sie Vol. 4. Drücken Sie Vol oder Vol, um die Lautstärke zu hören und einzustellen (Pegel 03). 5. Drücken Sie Speichern und dann Beenden. Hinweis: Einige hier aufgelistete Funktionen sind möglicherweise nicht am Turm verfügbar, da das Feature nicht vom Systemadministrator definiert wurde oder es sich um eine Kostenoption handelt, die nicht erworben wurde. Alliance MX 12.1 Januar 2006 Inhaltsverzeichnis i Inhaltsverzeichnis Vorwort. Über dieses Handbuch. Was gibt's Neues. Dokumentkonventionen. Kontaktieren Sie IPC Information Systems. 1 1 1 2 3 Kapitel 1: Schnellstart. 5 Die IP-Station der Alliance MX IQMX. 6 Steuergerät. 7 Hörer / Sprechgang. 9 Mikrofon. 9 Anwendungsmodul. 9 Tastenmodul. 11 4-Kanal-Lautsprecher-Modul. 13 Dual-Lautsprecher-Modul. 14 IQMX IP Turret gegen BRI Turrets. 16 Menüübersicht. 20 Grundregelfunktionen. 20 Erste Anmeldung. 20 Abmelden. 21 Ändern eines Kennworts. 21 Verriegeln Sie das Revolver. 21 Entriegeln Sie das Revolver. 21 Ändern Sie die Lautstärke des Turret Default Ring. 21 Ändern des Empfangsvolumens für das Mobilteil. 22 Zugriff auf Menü Hilfe. 22 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch ii Inhaltsverzeichnis Kapitel 2: Anrufverwaltung. 23 Zeilentasten-LEDs. 25 Externe Anrufe. 26 Einen externen Anruf an eine Nebenstelle stellen. 26 Einen externen Anruf an eine private Leitung stellen. 26 Annehmen eines externen Anrufs auf einem Mobilteil. 27 Beantworten Sie einen externen Anruf auf dem HFM. 27 Externe Anrufe freigeben. 27 Externe Gespräche führen. 27 Anruf anhalten. 27 Einen Anruf auf Exclusive Hold. 27 Gespräch anhalten. 28 Rückruf-Timer halten. 28 Externe Anrufe umleiten / umleiten. 28 Umleitung / Weiterleitung einschalten. 29 Ausschalten der Umleitung / Weiterleitung. 29 Anzeigen des Rufumleitungs - / Weiterleitungsstatus. 30 Dual-Destination Umleitung. 30 Ein-Tasten-Umleitung. 32 Erstellen einer One-Button-Umleitungstaste. 33 Ausschalten eines Knopfes Umleiten. 34 Interne Anrufe. 34 Einen internen Anruf tätigen. 34 Einen internen Anruf annehmen. 35 Unbeantwortete interne Anrufe freigeben. 35 Alle eingeladenen Händler, die nicht beantwortet haben. 35 Freigabe interner Anrufe. 35 Anrufe umleiten. 35 Anrufe an PBX-Nebenstellen weiterleiten. 37 Übertragen eines Zeilenrufs auf einen anderen TRID. 37 Richten Sie die Übernahmetasten ein, um die Gruppenübertragung zu erhalten. 37 Dialton-Anrufe an eine Gruppe von TRIDs übertragen. 37 Konferenz. 38 Überwachte Konferenzgespräche. 38 Konferenzschaltung einrichten. 38 Januar 2006 Inhaltsverzeichnis iii Freigeben einer beaufsichtigten Konferenzschaltung. Unüberwachte Konferenzgespräche. Richten Sie eine unbeaufsichtigte Konferenz ein. Lassen Sie eine unbeaufsichtigte Konferenzschaltung frei. Hunt Anrufe. Jagen Sie einen Anruf. Schnellwahlanrufe. Wählen Sie einen Kurzwahlruf. Platzieren Sie einen Indexwahlruf. Anrufschutz. Rufen Sie den Anrufschutz auf. Wahlwiederholung. Wählen Sie die zuletzt gewählte Nummer erneut. Manuelles Signal einer Privatzeile. CLI / Anrufer-ID. Voicemail. Voicemail-Nachrichten abrufen Beispiel. Kapitel 3: Gegensprechanlagen. Die Intercom-Funktion. Bevor Sie die Gegensprechanlage verwenden können. Freisprechen des Lautstärkereglers. Gegensprechanlage. Stellen Sie einen Intercom-Anruf. Beantworten Sie einen Intercom-Anruf auf dem Freisprech-Modul. Beantworten Sie einen Intercom-Anruf auf einem Mobilteil. Lassen Sie eine Freisprechanlage auf dem Freisprech-Modul los. Lassen Sie eine Sprechanlage an einem Mobilteil los. Eine Gegensprechanlage umleiten. Einrichten einer Intercom-Umleitungstaste. Direkte Sprechanlage. Platzieren Sie eine direkte Gegensprechanlage. Gruppenanrufe. Legen Sie einen Gruppenruf mit Rückantwort. 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 45 45 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 49 50 50 51 51 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch iv Inhaltsverzeichnis Platzieren Sie einen Gruppenruf ohne Rückantwort. 51 Gruppenruf mit Gruppen-Talkback setzen. 52 Einen Gruppenruf annehmen. 52 Alle Anrufe. 52 Legen Sie einen Anruf mit Rückantwort. 53 Anrufen ohne Rückruf. 53 Einen Anruf mit Gruppen-Talkback setzen. 54 Einen Anruf annehmen. 54 Kapitel 4: Programm-Modul-Schaltflächen. 55 Menüübersicht. 57 Modul Schaltfläche und Softkey Beschreibungen. 57 Softkeys. 61 Funktionen zu den Softkeys hinzufügen. 61 Funktionen auf Softkeys bearbeiten. Löschen von Funktionen aus Softkeys mit Undo. 61 Softkey Anzeigen anzeigen. 62 Modul-Schaltflächen. 62 Weisen Sie einem Modul eine Schaltfläche / Funktion zu. 62 Modulbaustein kopieren. 63 Bearbeiten einer Modulschaltfläche. 63 Löschen einer Modulschaltfläche. 64 Verschieben eines Merkmals von einer Baugruppentaste zu einem Softkey Steuermodul. 64 Erstellen einer Modul-Tastenfolge. 64 Wählen Sie eine Dual-Ziel-Gegensprechanlage. 65 Zeilentasten. 66 Zeilentasteninformationen. 66 View Line-Tasten ohne Line Networking. 66 View Line Button Informationen an entfernten Standorten. 67 Zeilenzugriff auf Modulschaltflächen. 67 Linien zu den Modulschaltflächen hinzufügen. 68 Bearbeiten von Linien auf Modulschaltflächen. 68 Tauschen Sie die Linien auf den Modulschaltflächen aus. 69 Kurzwahl. 70 Erstellen einer Kurzwahltaste für eine bestimmte Zeile. 70 Januar 2006 Inhaltsverzeichnis v Erstellen Sie einen Schnellwahlknopf mit Hunt. Erstellen Sie eine Schnellwahl-Taste ohne eine bestimmte Zeile / Hunt. Bearbeiten einer Kurzwahlnummer. Tauschen Sie die Kurzwahltasten. Fügen Sie einen Softkey Index-Wahl hinzu. Fügen Sie eine Indexzuteilung hinzu. Anzeigen einer Indexwahlzuweisung. Bearbeiten Sie eine Indexzuteilung. Entfernen Sie eine Indexzuweisung. Linienattribute ändern. Ändern Sie die Signalisierung in einer privaten Zeile. Prioritätsstatus ändern. Rufstatus ändern. Float ändern / Kein Float-Status. Ändern des CLI-Anzeigestatus. Ändern einer Linientasten Mittellinienanzeige. Fügen Sie einen unterscheidenden Klingelton hinzu. Stellen Sie den Hold Recall Timer ein. Kapitel 5: Broadcast-Funktionen. Broadcast-Funktionstypen. Broadcast-Gruppen. Konferenz Rundfunk. Fügen Sie eine Konferenz Broadcast Group hinzu. Bearbeiten einer Konferenz-Broadcast-Gruppe. Senden Sie eine Konferenz Broadcast. Simplex-Rundfunk. Fügen Sie eine Simplex Broadcast Group hinzu. Bearbeiten einer Simplex-Broadcast-Gruppe. Senden Sie eine Simplex Broadcast. Kapitel 6: Lautsprecher. Lautsprechermodule. Kanal-Toggle-Schalter. Lautsprecher-LEDs. 71 71 71 72 72 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 81 82 82 82 83 83 84 84 85 86 87 89 90 90 91 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch vi Inhaltsverzeichnis Lautsprecher 4. 91 Anwendungen Modul Lautsprecher Schaltflächen. 91 Tastenmodul. 91 ClearDeal. 91 Stummschalten. 91 Lautsprecherfunktionen. 92 Sprechen Sie auf einem Kanal mit Push-to-Talk. 92 Blockierton. 93 Speak on One Channel mit Verriegelung. 93 Zuweisen von Kanälen zu Kanälen. 94 Zuweisen einer Leitung zu einem Speaker Channel mit SPKV. 94 Zuweisen einer Leitung zu einem Speaker Channel mit SPKR. 94 Entfernen einer Linie von einem Lautsprecher. 95 Speaker Line Zuweisungen anzeigen. 95 Einen Anruf vom Mobilteil zum Lautsprecher bewegen. 95 Bewegen eines Anrufs vom Lautsprecher zum Mobilteil. 96 Talkback-Gruppen. 96 Speaker Channels in Talkback-Gruppen programmieren. 96 Sprechen Sie mit einer Talkback-Gruppe. 96 Lautsprecherlautstärke ändern. 97 Überwachen eingehender Sendungen. 97 Kapitel 7: Das Anwendungsmodul und die TradeCentral-Anwendungen. 99 Anwendungen Modul Benutzeroberfläche Übersicht. 101 Basic IQMX-Funktionen und das TradeCentral Applications-Modul. 102 Einschalten. 102 Anmeldung. 102 Abmelden. 104 Schloss. 105 Entriegeln der Station. 105 Ruhemodus. 105 Einschränkungen. 107 Beenden Sie den Energiesparmodus. 107 Wechseln Sie in den Schaltflächenmodus. 107 Paginierung für ein Steuerungs - und Anwendungsmodul. 107 Januar 2006 Inhaltsverzeichnis vii Seiten im Button-Modus ändern. Seiten ändern, während Anwendungen ausgeführt werden. Paginierung für ein Steuerelement, Schaltfläche und Anwendungsmodul. Seiten im Button-Modus ändern. Seiten ändern, während Anwendungen ausgeführt werden. Pagination mit festen Zeilen. Paginierung für ein Steuerungs - und Anwendungsmodul. Paginierung für ein Steuerelement, Schaltfläche und Anwendungsmodul. Kapitel 8: Systeminformationen. Systemparameter. Revolver-Schnittstelle (TICX) Systemkomponenten. Anzeigen der TICX-Systemparameter. Ethernet Switch (SWCH) Systemkomponente. Sehen Sie sich die SWCH-Systemparameter an. Station (STN) Systemkomponente. Anzeigen der STN-Systemparameter. Anzeigen von Systemnachrichten. Anhang A Akronyme und Turret Benutzerverwaltung. Akronym-Definitionen. Accepted Cleaner für IP Revolver und Lautsprecher. Reinigen Sie das IP Revolver. 107 108 111 111 111 113 113 118 125 126 126 126 126 127 127 127 128 129 129 131 131 Index. 133 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch viii Inhaltsverzeichnis Januar 2006 Vorwort 1 Vorwort Über dieses Handbuch Das IQMX Benutzerhandbuch bietet einen Überblick und Informationen zur Verwendung der Funktionen der Alliance IQMX Station. Mit der IQMX-Station sind zahlreiche Funktionen verfügbar. Einige Funktionen sind mit TRIDs verbunden, während andere für Stationen spezifisch sind. Bestimmungsgemäße Verwendung Dieses Handbuch ist für den täglichen Gebrauch des IQMX Revolver vorgesehen. Die Schritte, die zum Konfigurieren des Revolverkopfs erforderlich sind, ermöglichen es dem Benutzer, seinen Revolver an seine individuellen Vorlieben anzupassen. Was gibt es Neues Es gibt neue Funktionen in dieser Version. Dual Destination Diversion Mit der Dual-Destination-Umleitung können Sie einen Anruf an zwei verschiedene Ziele umleiten. Ein Umleitungsziel ist für Besetzt-Umleitungen reserviert, während das andere Ziel für Rufumleitung (RNA) verwendet wird, siehe Dual-Destination-Umleitung auf Seite 30. Intercom-Umleitung Mit der Intercom-Umleitungsfunktion können Sie eine Umleitung oder Weiterleitung für Intercom - Finden Sie unter Umleiten eines Intercom-Anrufs auf Seite 48. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch 2 Vorwort Dokumentkonventionen Typografische Konventionen In diesem Handbuch werden die folgenden typografischen Konventionen verwendet: Eine Schrift mit fester Breite wird verwendet, um Text darzustellen, der eingegeben oder eingegeben werden muss. Beispiel: Geben Sie install an der Eingabeaufforderung ein, und drücken Sie RETURN. Eine Fixed-Width Bold Italic Schriftart wird verwendet, um Variablen darzustellen, die eingegeben oder eingegeben werden müssen. Beispiel: Geben Sie Ihr Passwort ein und drücken Sie ENTER. Eine Arial 9 Bold-Schriftart wird verwendet, um ein Benutzeroberflächenelement darzustellen, das angeklickt werden muss, um eine Aktion auszuführen. Beispiel: Klicken Sie auf Hilfe. Das Dialogfeld "Hilfe" wird angezeigt. Klicken Sie in der System Center Data View auf die Schaltfläche DDI Tables. Eine Fixed-Width-Schriftart wird verwendet, um Bildschirmtext wie z. B. Eingabeaufforderungen oder für Datei - und Verzeichnisnamen und so weiter darzustellen. Beispiel: Geben Sie an der Eingabeaufforderung Ihr Kennwort ein. Ein Times New Roman 10 Fettschrift wird verwendet, um einen Hardkey auf dem Revolver zu betonen. Eine Arial 9 Bold-Schriftart wird verwendet, um einen Revolver-Softkey hervorzuheben. Hinweise, Warnungen, Vorsichtsmaßnahmen und Hinweise Hinweise, Warnungen und Warnungen sind in diesem Dokument enthalten, um nützliche Informationen oder direkte Aufmerksamkeit auf bestimmte Texte oder erforderliche Maßnahmen zu liefern. Dies ist eine Notiz und wird verwendet, um Sie auf wichtige Informationen aufmerksam zu machen. Dies ist eine Vorsicht und wird verwendet, um Sie auf alle Verfahren, in denen extreme Vorsicht verwendet werden muss, zu warnen. Januar 2006 Kontakt IPC Information Systems 3 Dies ist eine Warnung und wird verwendet, um Sie auf gefährliche Situationen oder Verfahren, die in einer bestimmten Weise, um eine gefährliche oder schädliche Situation zu verhindern abgeschlossen werden müssen, zu warnen. Dies ist ein Tipp und wird verwendet, um hilfreiche Anregungen oder Hinweise zu geben. Kontakt IPC Informationssysteme E-Mail an die Abteilung für Technische Publikationen In einer kontinuierlichen Bemühung, unsere Handbücher zu verbessern, lädt die Abteilung für Technische Publikationen alle Leser ein, uns bei techpubsipc zu mailen. Contact Systems Globale Support Engineering Wenn Sie technische Unterstützung benötigen, wenden Sie sich an Ihre lokale IPC Information Systems Niederlassung oder Vertretung. Wenn Sie zusätzliche Unterstützung benötigen, rufen Sie IPC Information Systems Global Support Engineering an: In den USA wählen Sie 1-800-NEED-IPC. Andernorts, außer Kanada, wählen Sie die Vereinigten Staaten internationalen Ländercode (001), dann 203-339-7800. Kontakt Bestellung von IPC-Informationssystemen Um Hardware und Software zu bestellen, wenden Sie sich bitte an das zuständige Vertriebsbüro. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch 4 Vorwort Januar 2006 Kapitel 1: Schnellstart 5 1 Schnellstart Dieser Abschnitt gibt Ihnen einen Überblick über den IQMX IP-Revolver und enthält Anweisungen für die Grundfunktionen der Revolver. In diesem Kapitel Die Alliance MX IQMX IP Station. 6 Steuergerät. 7 Hörer / Sprechgang. 9 Mikrofon. 9 Anwendungsmodul. 9 Tastenmodul. 11 4-Kanal-Lautsprecher-Modul. 13 Dual-Lautsprecher-Modul. 14 IQMX IP Turret gegen BRI Turrets. 16 Menüübersicht. 20 Grundregelfunktionen. 20 Erste Anmeldung. 20 Abmelden. 21 Ändern eines Kennworts. 21 Verriegeln Sie das Revolver. 21 Entriegeln Sie das Revolver. 21 Ändern Sie die Lautstärke des Turret Default Ring. 21 Ändern des Empfangsvolumens für das Mobilteil. 22 Zugriff auf Menü Hilfe. 22 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch 6 Kapitel 1: Schnellstart Die IP-Station der Alliance MX IQMX Jeder IP-Revolver verfügt über ein Steuermodul mit eingebettetem Lautsprecher, abnehmbarem Mikrofon und mindestens einem Hörer / Sprechgang. Der Revolver kann auch das Anwendungsmodul, Tastenmodule und separate Dual-Lautsprecher - oder 4-Kanal-Lautsprecher-Module enthalten, so dass pro Station maximal 24 konfigurierbare Lautsprecherkanäle verfügbar sind. Abbildung 1-1: Alliance IQMX IP Revolver-Steuerungsanwendungen 4-Kanal-Lautsprechermodule Stationssteuermodul Global Crossing TM-Anwendungen Modul Ext 1031 Ext 1037 Ext 1043 Übertragung IPC-Handelssysteme 4-Kanal-Lautsprechermodul 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 Ext 1032 Ext 1038 Ext 1044 Ext 1050 Ext 1056 2 Ext 1033 Ext 1039 Ext 1045 Ext 1051 Ext 1057 3 Ext 1034 Ext 1040 Ext 1046 Ext 1052 Ext 1058 4 Ext 1035 Ext 1041 Ext 1047 Ext 1053 Ext 1059 5 Ext 1036 Ext 1042 Ext 1048 Ext 1054 Ext 1060 Menü Seite 7 8 9 10 11 12 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 13 14 15 16 17 18 Übertragung 1 GHI ABC DEF Ext 1049 Ext 1055 2 3 19 20 21 22 23 24 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 JKL MNO 5 TÜV 6 WXYZ Konferenz Konferenz Konferenz G1 30 G2 Chan 10 Chan 11 Chan 12 25 26 27 28 29 PQRS 7 8 9 Wahlwiederholung Wahlwiederholung 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Wahlwiederholung Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 G2 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G1 Chan 9 Oper 0 Mitteilung Jagd Mute HFM L Halten R Freigabe Cube Speaker Cube Speaker Abbildung 1-2 Halten : Alliance IQMX IP Revolversteuertaster Modul Stationssteuermodul Taster Modul 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Menü Seite 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Transfer Transfer 1 GHI ABC 2 DEF 3 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 4 JKL 5 MNO 6 Konferenz Konferenz PQRS 7 TUV 8 WXYZ 9 Lautsprecher Wahlwiederholung 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Wahlwiederholung 0 Freigabe Hunt Mute HFM L Halten Halten R Freigabe Dieser Abschnitt des Handbuchs enthält separate Zeichnungen und Erläuterungen zu jedem Teil der oben dargestellten IP-Revolver, beginnend mit dem Steuermodul. Januar 2006 7 Steuergerät Das Steuergerät ist das Herzstück des Revolvers. Verwenden Sie das Steuermodul, um Anrufe zu tätigen und zu beantworten, Programmtasten zu tätigen, Anrufe zu halten und private Zeilen zu signalisieren. Abbildung 1-3: IQMX-Steuermodul Diagramm HFM-Lautstärkeregler HFM-Mikrofonanschluss HFM-Lautsprecher Menü ABC DEF (ICM-HFM-Line Calls) Menü 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Modultasten Seite Modultasten 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Seite nach oben Page select Page down Transfer rechts Transfer Transfer links 1 GHI 2 JKL 3 21 MNO 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Konferenz Konferenz links Wahlwiederholung links 4 PQRS 5 TUV 6 WXYZ Modultasten Softkeys 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 Konferenz Konferenz rechts Wahlwiederholung 7 8 Bedienung 9 Wahlwiederholung 0 Wahlwiederholung rechts Hunt Mute HFM Freigabe links Auswahl links Halten links Freigabe Hunt Mute HFM L Hold H Freigabefreigabe rechts Auswahl rechts Hold rechts Tabelle 1-1: Control Module Diagram Etikettenbeschreibungen HFM-Lautstärkeregler HFM-Mic-Anschluss HFM-Lautsprecher-Menü Übertragen von rechter Konferenz Left Steuert die Lautstärke des Lautsprechers, wenn sich der Revolver im Freisprechbetrieb befindet. Verbindet das Freisprechmikrofon mit dem Revolver. Aktiviert, wenn sich der Revolver im Freisprechmodus befindet. Öffnet das Menü. Überträgt Anrufe vom linken Mobilteil / Gesprächspfad vom rechten Mobilteil / Gesprächspfad. Konferenzen Parteien mit dem linken Handset / talkpath. Allianz MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch 8 Kapitel 1: Schnellstart-Tabelle 1-1: Control Module Diagramm Etikett Beschreibungen (Fortsetzung) Wahlwiederholung Left Jagd Mute ICMT links loslassen Wählen Sie Links Halten Sie die linke Seite nach oben Seite Wählen Sie die letzte Nummer wiederholt oder signalisiert eine private Leitung von Der linke Hörer / Sprechgang. Sucht die nächste verfügbare Zeile im ersten Sammelanschluss, der dem Händler zugeordnet ist. Schaltet das Freisprechmikrofon stumm. Schaltet die Freisprechfunktion ein und aus, wenn das Freisprechmodul aktiv ist. Beendet Anrufe auf dem linken Mobilteil / Gesprächspfad. Leitet alle Aktionen auf den Revolver auf das linke Mobilteil / Sprechgang. Stellt den Anruf des linken Handsprech - / Sprechgesprächs in die Warteschleife. Zeigt die nächste Seite des Control - oder Applications-Moduls an. Hier können Sie eine Seite festlegen, die auf dem Control - oder Anwendungsmodul angezeigt werden soll. Nachdem Sie die Seite-Taste gedrückt haben, wählen Sie die zu verschiebende Seite aus oder geben Sie die zweistellige Seitennummer über die Zifferntasten ein. Zeigt die vorherige Seite des Control - oder Anwendungsmoduls an. Überträgt Anrufe vom rechten Mobilteil / Gesprächspfad vom linken Mobilteil / Gesprächspfad. Ermöglicht es Ihnen, Konferenz-Parteien mit dem rechten Handset / talkpath. Wahlwiederholung der letzten Nummer oder Signalisierung einer privaten Leitung vom rechten Handgerät / Sprechgang. Beendet Anrufe auf dem rechten Mobilteil / Gesprächspfad. Leitet alle Aktionen auf dem Revolver auf den rechten Hörer / Sprechgang. Setzt den rechten Hörer / Talkpath-Anruf in die Warteschleife. Tabelle 1-1: Modul des Steuermoduls Beschriftungen des Etiketts (Fortsetzung) Modul-Schaltflächen Geben Sie Zugriffszeilen oder Programmfunktionen an. Es gibt 600 Tasten zur Verfügung, aber nur 30 zeigen auf einmal. Verwenden Sie die Seitentasten rechts neben dem Display, um durch alle Modultasten zu blättern. Ermöglicht es, einige Tasten zu sperren, damit sie nicht am Revolver geändert werden können. Beispielsweise können eine Notrufnummer und / oder eine Tech-Support-Nummerntaste gesperrt sein. Erlaubt eine oder mehrere Gruppen von Hardkey-Tasten in Gruppen von 10 zugewiesen werden. Jede Gruppe von 10 Hardkey-Tasten beginnen auf der linken Seite die meisten Tasten einer Reihe von physischen Tasten. Die Default-Konfiguration ist auf Systemebene eingestellt und kann am Revolver nicht verändert werden. Nicht alle Tasten können Hardkeys auf dem Revolver sein. Es gibt immer mindestens eine Reihe von Schaltflächen, die paginieren. Kann für den Zugriff auf Systemfunktionen programmiert werden. Normalerweise werden diese für die am häufigsten verwendeten Funktionen verwendet. Taste Gesperrt Hardkey Tasten Softkeys Hörer / Talkpath Der Hörer / Sprechfunk ist ein Standard-IPC-Telefonempfänger. Es gibt normalerweise zwei Talk-Pfade, links und / oder rechts. Ein Händler kann eine oder beide zur gleichen Zeit verwenden. Mikrofon Das über dem Lautsprecher montierte Mikrofon in der Mikrofonbuchse am IQMX Control Module erlaubt dem Händler, den Revolver für Punkt-zu-Punkt-Intercom-Anrufe und als Lautsprecher-Telefon zu verwenden. Der integrierte Lautsprecher und das Mikrofon entsprechen dem separaten Freisprech-Modul, das mit dem BRI-Revolver verwendet wird. Anwendungsmodul Das Anwendungsmodul zeigt 30 virtuelle Modultasten und acht Lautsprecherkanäle an. Es gibt zwei Mikrofon-Kippschalter für die Übertragung auf zwei benutzerdefinierte Talkback-Gruppen. Für die Verwendung mit den Lautsprecherkanälen wird ein eigenständiges Mikrofon an der Rückseite des Anwendungsmoduls angebracht. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch 10 Kapitel 1: Schnellstart Das Anwendungsmodul kann auch TradeCentral-Anwendungen anzeigen. Weitere Informationen finden Sie in der TradeCentral-Dokumentation. Abbildung 1-4: Alliance IQMX-Anwendungen Moduldiagramm Rote LED-Taste 31 Ext 1031 Ext 1037 Ext 1043 Ext 1049 1 Ext 1032 Ext 1038 Ext 1044 Ext 1050 Ext 1056 2 Ext 1033 Ext 1039 Ext 1045 Ext 1051 Ext 1057 3 Ext 1034 Ext 1040 Ext 1046 Ext 1052 Ext 1058 4 Ext 1035 Ext 1041 Ext 1047 Ext 1053 Ext 1059 5 Ext 1036 Ext 1042 Ext 1048 Ext 1054 Ext 1060 Grüne LED 6 12 7 8 9 10 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 Dunkelblau: Kanal aus Grau: Kanal Auf Kanal in Gruppe 1 Einzellautsprecher Lautstärkeregler Gruppe 1 senden G1 19 20 21 22 23 24 Ext 1055 25 26 27 28 29 30 Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 Taster 60 Rote LED Grüne LED Kanal in Gruppe 2 Hauptlautstärkeregelung Gruppe 2 Sende Lautsprecherkanäle 1-8 Mic Kippschalter 1-8 Tabelle 1-2: Anwendungen Modulschaltplan Beschriftungen Beschriftungen Modul Tasten Enthält programmierbare Leitung Und Modul-Tasten, mit LEDs Zeilenstatus aus, wo der Anruf entstand entweder aus Ihrem Turm oder einem anderen Händler. Zeigt Informationen über Lautsprecherkanäle an, mit LEDs für Sprach - und Mikrofonaktivität. Der Lautsprecherstatus wird durch die Hintergrundfarbe des Kanals selbst angezeigt: Dunkelblauer Kanal aus Grauer Kanal an Steuert die Lautstärke des einzelnen Lautsprecherkanals. Lautsprecherkanäle Kanallautstärkeregler Januar 2006 11 Tabelle 1-2: Anwendungen Moduldiagramm Labelbeschreibungen (Fortsetzung) Master-Lautstärkereglergruppe 1 Talkback-Mic-Toggle-Schalter Steuert die Lautstärke des gesamten Lautsprechers. Ermöglicht dem Benutzer, mit allen Teilnehmern in Gruppe 1 auf einmal zu sprechen. Steuert die Mikrofonaktivität für den Lautsprecherkanal direkt über jedem Schalter. Center (Standard) ist deaktiviert Bis zu Latch (kontinuierliche Aktivität) Down und Hold (momentane Aktivität) Ermöglicht dem Benutzer, mit allen Teilnehmern in Gruppe 2 auf einmal zu sprechen. Verbindet das externe Mikrofon und befindet sich auf der Rückseite des Applikationsmoduls. Gruppe 2 Talkback Mic Connector-Tastermodul Das Tastermodul zeigt 30 Modultasten und acht Lautsprecherkanäle an. Es gibt zwei Mikrofon-Kippschalter für die Übertragung auf zwei benutzerdefinierte Talkback-Gruppen. Zur Verwendung mit den Lautsprecherkanälen wird ein eigenständiges Mikrofon an der Rückseite des Tastenmoduls angeschlossen. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX Benutzerhandbuch 12 Kapitel 1: Schnellstart Abbildung 1-5: Symbol der Alliance IQMX Modulschaltbild 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Modul-Tasten 11 12 13 Modul-Tasten 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Modul-Tasten Individuelle Lautsprecher-Lautstärkeregler Gruppe 1 Sende Lautsprecher-Kanäle Hauptlautstärkeregelung Gruppe 2 Sendelautsprecher Lautsprecherkanäle 1-8 Mic-Kippschalter 1-8 Tabelle 1-3: Schaltfläche Modulschaltfläche Beschriftungsschilder Kanallautstärkeregler Gruppe 1 Talkback Mic Toggle-Schalter Ermöglicht die Steuerung der Lautstärke des einzelnen Lautsprecherkanals. Ermöglicht dem Benutzer, mit allen Teilnehmern in Gruppe 1 auf einmal zu sprechen. Steuert die Mikrofonaktivität für den Lautsprecherkanal direkt über jedem Schalter. Center (Standard) ist deaktiviert Bis zu Latch (kontinuierliche Aktivität) Down und Hold (momentane Aktivität) Ermöglicht dem Benutzer, mit allen Teilnehmern in Gruppe 2 auf einmal zu sprechen. Gruppe 2 Talkback Januar 2006 13 Tabelle 1-3: Schaltfläche Modul Diagramm Beschriftung Beschreibungen (Fortsetzung) Master Lautstärkeregler Steuert die Lautstärke des gesamten Lautsprechers. 4-Kanal-Lautsprechermodul Wenn Ihr Sender mit zusätzlichen Lautsprechern verbunden ist, benötigen Sie ein Mikrofon, das diesen Lautsprecherkanälen gewidmet ist. This microphone can be physically attached to the Speaker Module or Applications Module and must be in addition to the microphone associated with the HFM speaker. Figure 1-6: Alliance IQMX 4-Channel Speaker Diagram Master volume control Speaker Mic Channel 1 in Group 1 G1 C han 1 C han 2 C han 3 G2 C han 4 Channel 4 in Group 2 Green LED Red LED Mic latched Mic off Mic momentary Channel volume controls Mic toggle switches Table 1-4: 4-Channel Speaker Diagram Label Descriptions Master Volume Control Mic jack Controls the volume of the entire speaker. Connects the microphone to the 4-Channel Speaker Module. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 14 Chapter 1: Quick Start Table 1-4: 4-Channel Speaker Diagram Label Descriptions (continued) Speaker Operates for hands free mode when microphone is attached, or to listen when no microphone is attached. Indicates the assigned speaker group for each speaker channel. Indicates channel usage when lit. Controls of individual speaker channel volume. Controls the microphone activity for the speaker channel immediately above each switch. Center (default) is off Up to latch (continuous activity) Down and hold (momentary activity) Group 1 2 LEDs Channel Volume Controls Mic Toggle Switches Dual Speaker Module The IQMX Dual Speaker is an enhanced speaker unit for use with the IQMX Applications and Button Modules. January 2006 15 Figure 1-7: Alliance IQMX Dual Speaker Module Mic Speaker Speaker Table 1-5: Dual Speaker Diagram Label Descriptions Microphone jack Speaker Connects the microphone to the Dual Speaker Module. Used for hands-free mode when microphone is attached, or to listen when no microphone is attached. Flexible Mounting Options The Dual Speaker can be mounted to the left or right of any IQMX module or can stand-alone on adjustable legs. The spring loaded geared legs allow the speakers to be aimed at any angle directly towards you for maximum acoustic effect. A mounting bracket is included. Built-in Microphone Mount The Dual Speaker has a built in microphone mount for talk back over Speaker Channels. This replaces the need to order an add-on microphone mount. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 16 Chapter 1: Quick Start IQMX IP Turret vs. BRI Turrets Configuration and Installation No software or configuration changes are necessary to add the Dual Speaker to the desktop station. The device plugs into the back of the Applications or Button Module. No Need for Separate ControlsThis add-on speaker unit uses the volume controls and microphone latch toggles from the Applications or Button Modules. IQMX IP Turret vs. BRI Turrets While the functions you perform using the IQMX IP turret are essentially the same as those on the Alliance MX Slimline and Alliance MX Classic turrets, there are some differences. The following three tables compare the differences. Table 1-6: IQMX Control Module Compared to Slimline and Classic Control Module Slimline and Classic Control Module Press PRO to open the Programming Menu. Hunt must be programmed as a softkey on the Control Module. IQMX Control Module Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Hunt is a button on the Control Module that defaults to the first hunt group. Additional hunt groups may be programmed to softkeys and/or feature buttons. In addition, each TRID may be configured with a Personal Hunt Group. The Control Module has 20 buttons to use for features and softkeys. The Hands Free (Speaker) Module is a separate, optional piece of equipment on the Classic. The Control Module has 30 module buttons and 10 softkeys. The Hands Free Module is incorporated into the turret. The ICMT softkey toggles the hands-free use of the turret from the HFM speaker to a handset/talkpath. Page Up, Page (Select), and Page Down are physical buttons on the Control Module. User programs Page Up, Page Select, and Page Down features on the module buttons. January 2006 IQMX IP Turret vs. BRI Turrets 17 Table 1-6: IQMX Control Module Compared to Slimline and Classic Control Module Slimline and Classic Control Module User could not view system parameters. No Echo Cancellation IQMX Control Module User may view system parameters. See System Parameters on page 126. Echo Cancellation The Non-Linear Processor (NLP) attenuates the residual echo during the single talk condition. This means that background noise is also attenuated causing you to hear silence while speaking, then the background once again when you stop speaking. This background modulation can be a nuisance. To combat this there is a comfort noise generator that both estimates the current noise floor and injects an artificial white noise in place of the silence left by the NLP. This reduces or eliminates background modulation. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 18 Chapter 1: Quick Start IQMX IP Turret vs. BRI Turrets Table 1-7: IQMX Button/Apps. Module Compared to Slimline/Classic Pagination Module Slimline and Classic Pagination Module The Pagination Module contains four rows of 10 programmable module buttons, for a total of 40 buttons per page. IQMX Button/Applications Module The Applications Module contains five rows of six programmable virtual module buttons, for a total of 30 buttons per page. The Applications Module also has eight speaker activity display buttons. The Button Module contains three rows of 10 programmable module buttons, and 8 speaker activity display buttons. Table 1-8: IQMX 4-Channel and Dual Speaker Modules Compared to Slimline/Classic Speaker Slimline and Classic Speaker Module The optional Intercom feature works on the Slimline ClearDeals speaker channel one (1). The ClearDeal speaker has a PROG button to program speaker talkback groups. The right LED over the knob lights up green when you turn on a speaker channel. IQMX 4-Channel Speaker and Dual Speaker Modules The Intercom feature works on the Control Module hands free, or handset/talkpaths with the ICMT softkey. Use the Menu button to open the Menu, then select the SpGr button to program talkback groups on the Applications or Button Module. The gray background color of the speaker button on the Applications Module dims when you turn on a speaker channel, and the left LED lamps green. January 2006 IQMX IP Turret vs. BRI Turrets 19 Table 1-8: IQMX 4-Channel and Dual Speaker Modules Compared to Slimline/Classic Speaker (continued) Slimline and Classic Speaker Module Groups programmed to the ClearDeal display on the speaker screen. IQMX 4-Channel Speaker and Dual Speaker Modules Groups programmed to a stand-alone speaker display the same as on the Slimline and Classic MX speakers. Groups display on the Application or Button Modules speaker button associated with the channel, rather than the speaker. 4-Channel Speaker groups are visible in the speakers display area. No Echo Cancellation Echo Cancellation for the 4-Channel or Dual Speaker Module performs in the exact manner as the IQMX Control Module, see Echo Cancellation on page 17. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 20 Chapter 1: Quick Start Basic Turret Functions Menu Overview Press the Menu button on the Control Module to open the Menu. Figure 1-8: Menu Diagram Speed Dial: Allows the user to Add a new a speed dial button to the module buttons or Edit an existing button Line: Allows the user to Add a new Line (LAC required) to the module buttons or Edit an existing Line Broadcast: Allows the user to Add a new Broadcast Group (up to 5 Private Lines) or Edit an existing Group Dial: Used to View, Add, Edit or Undo an Index Dial number (00 - 19) Ring: Used to change Line Attributes (priority, ring float), Ringer volume Ringer pitch Softkey Menu: Used to View, Add, Edit or Undo buttons on the Control Module Volume: Allows the user to adjust the default handset receive volume View: Views attributes of any button on the button module or System Information Undo: Deletes any button on the Module buttons Spdl Line Bcst Di al Ring Sfky Vol View Undo HELP Quit Help: Explains each Please select FEATURE, HELP, or Quit Logn Butn Swap SPKV Hrct Dvrt SpGr key in the program menu Quit: Quits without saving or exits a menu Speaker Group: Used to assign speaker channels to Group 1 or Group 2 talkback Divert: Used to assign a call divert extension Hold Recall Time: Speaker View: Swap: Used to change the Hold Recall time (Off, 30 sec, 1 min. or 2 min.) Allows the user to View, Add or Undo lines that are programmed to the speakers Allows the user to swap any two buttons assigned to the module buttons Button Menu: Allows the user to program feature keys to the module buttons Logon: Allows the user to Log on or Log off a turret, lock the turret, or to change the current Password on a turret Basic Turret Functions Logn, Logn Enter TRID Next Enter Password Next Use the Quit softkey on any menu where there is a Save softkey to return to the Menu - without saving changes. For example, to exit the Vol Menu without making any changes press the Quit softkey. First Time Log On 1 Press Logn, then Logn. January 2006 Basic Turret Functions 21 Enter your TRID and press Next. Enter your password. Passwords do not display, for your protection. 4 Press Next. The turret displays Logon Successful for your name. 2 3 Log Off Menu Logn, Loff 1 2 Press the Menu button to display the Menu. Press Logn, Loff. The turret displays, Station on. logged off, Please log Change a Password Menu Logn, Pswd Current Password, Next New Password, Next Press the Menu button to display the Menu. Press Logn, then Pswd. 3 Enter your Current Password, and press Next. Passwords do not display. 4 Enter a New Password of up to four characters using any buttons on the dialpad, and press Next. 1 2 Lock the Turret Menu Lock Press the Menu button to display the Menu. 2 Press Lock. The turret displays, Station Locked, Please Select an Option. The turret is locked. You have two options available Unlk (Unlock) and Loff (Log off). 1 Unlock the Turret Unlk Enter TRID Next Enter Password Next Press Unlk. The turret prompts, Enter trader ID. Back, Next, and Quit are the display options. 2 Enter your TRID and press Next. The turret displays, Enter Password: 3 Enter your Password and press Next. The turret is unlocked and is now fully functional. 1 Menu Ring Vol Vol Save Quit Change the Turret Default Ring Volume Press the Menu button to display the Menu. 2 Press Ring Vol. The turret displays the current volume level of the ringer (range is 03). 1 ( or ) Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 22 Chapter 1: Quick Start Basic Turret Functions Use Vol () or Vol () to hear and adjust the ringer volume level from zero to three. Zero produces no ring and three is the highest volume level. 4 Press Save volume is set. 5 Press Quit to exit the Menu. 3 Change the Handset Receive Volume Menu Vol Vol Save Quit ( or ) Press the Menu button to display the Menu. Press Vol. The current handset/talkpath volume level displays. 3 Use Vol () or Vol () to adjust the volume level from 132. 4 Press Save to save the new volume setting. 5 Press Quit to exit the Menu. 1 2 The saved volume level is used on both the left and right handset/talkpaths. Access Menu Help Menu HELP Feature button Quit Quit Press the Menu button to display the Menu. Press HELP. 3 Press a Feature softkey for a description of what that Feature does. You may repeat this step to display additional help for each Feature button on the Menu. 4 Press Quit, then Quit again to exit the Menu. 1 2 January 2006 Chapter 2: Call Management 23 2 Call Management This section provides detailed instructions on managing both incoming and outgoing calls using a variety of features. In This Chapter Line Button LEDs. 25 External Calls. 26 Place an External Call on an Extension Line. 26 Place an External Call on a Private Line. 26 Answer an External Call on a Handset. 27 Answer an External Call on the HFM. 27 Release External Calls. 27 Hold External Calls. 27 Place a Call on Hold. 27 Place a Call on Exclusive Hold. 27 Retrieve a Call on Hold. 28 Hold Recall Timer. 28 Forward/Divert External Calls. 28 Turn On Diversion/Forwarding. 29 Turn Off Diversion/Forwarding. 29 View the Diversion/Forwarding Status. 30 Dual-Destination Diversion. 30 One Button Diversion. 32 Create a One Button Diversion button. 33 Turn Off One Button Divert. 34 Internal Calls. 34 Place an Internal Call. 34 Answer an Internal Call. 35 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 24 Chapter 2: Call Management Release Unanswered Internal Calls. Remove all Invited Traders That Have Not Answered. Release Internal Calls. Transfer Calls. Transfer Calls to PBX Extensions. Transfer a Line Call to Another TRID. Set up Transfer Buttons to Receive Group Transfer. Transfer Dialtone Calls to a Group of TRIDs. Conference. Supervised Conference Calls. Set up a Supervised Conference Call. Release a Supervised Conference Call. Unsupervised Conference Calls. Set up an Unsupervised Conference Call. Release an Unsupervised Conference Call. Hunt Calls. Place a Hunt Call. Speed Dial Calls. Place a Speed Dial Call. Place an Index Dial Call. Call Privacy. Set up Call Privacy. Redial Button Functions. Redial the Last Number Called. Manually Signal a Private line. CLI/Caller ID. Voicemail. Retrieve Voicemail Messages Example. 35 35 35 35 37 37 37 37 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 40 40 40 40 41 41 41 41 42 42 42 43 43 January 2006 25 Line Button LEDs Each line button uses a pair of LEDs, one red and one green, to indicate the status of a call on that line. A line is idle or unassigned when neither LED is lamped. Table 2-1: Default LED Indicators for U. S. and Canada Flash Rate Slow Fast Steady Slow Fast Steady Color Green Green Green Red Red Red Indicates High priority incoming call Call on hold at your turret Line in use at your turret Low priority incoming call Call on hold at another turret Line in use at another turret Line in unsupervised conference Line assigned to a speaker Line in privacy mode at another turret Slow Fast Green Red Green Red Oldest waiting incoming call Oldest U-Hold (call on hold at another turret) Table 2-2: Default LED Indicators for the U. K. Flash Rate Fast Slow Steady Fast Slow Color Green Green Green Red Red Indicates High priority incoming call Call on hold at your turret Line in use at your turret Low priority incoming call Call on hold at another turret Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 26 Chapter 2: Call Management External Calls Table 2-2: Default LED Indicators for the U. K. (continued) Flash Rate Steady Color Red Indicates Line in use at another turret Line in unsupervised conference Line assigned to a speaker Line in privacy mode at other turret Fast Slow Green Red Green Red Oldest waiting incoming call Oldest U-Hold (call on hold at another turret) External Calls External calls are both those that come into your turret from outside lines and calls you make to lines outside your Alliance MX System. Place an External Call on an Extension Line. Dialtone Line PBX Code, Number Select a handset/talkpath. 2 Press the extension line you want to use and wait for a dialtone. 3 Enter the PBX Code needed to get an outside line, if applicable, then dial the number. 1 You may also use a speed dial (see Speed Dial on page 70) and Hunt or both to get the next available line (see Hunt Calls on page 40). Place an External Call on a Private Line Private Line Redial Select a handset/talkpath. Press the private line for the party you want to reach. 3 Press the Redial button to signal the party on the private line that your call is coming through. 1 2 Signal the remote party using the Redial button either manually or automatically (see Change Line Attributes on page 74). January 2006 External Calls 27 Answer an External Call on a Handset Ringing Line 1 2 Select a handset/talkpath. Press the Ringing line. External incoming calls ring on dialtone, private, and virtual private lines. Answer an External Call on the HFM Ringing line ICMT 1 2 Press the Ringing line. Press the ICMT button on the Control Module. In the hands-free mode, your turret becomes a speaker phone. Release External Calls Release Press the Release button for the selected handset/talkpath to release (end) the call. Hold External Calls The system uses two Hold modes: regular and privacy. Place a call on regular hold to allow any turret in the Alliance MX System to retrieve that call. Place a call on privacy hold to restrict retrieval to your turret only. Place a Call on Hold Hold Press the Hold button for the handset/talkpath you are using. The green LED flashes at your turret and all other turrets flash red LEDs until someone retrieves the call. Place a Call on Exclusive Hold Press the Pvcy softkey. 2 Press the Hold button for the handset/talkpath you are using. The green LED flashes at your turret only. All other traders in the system view a steady red LED that indicates line in use. Retrieve the call from the turret where it was put on privacy hold. 1 Pvcy Hold Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 28 Chapter 2: Call Management External Calls If you have line networking, you cannot put remote lines on exclusive hold. Flashing line Retrieve a Call on Hold 1 Select a handset/talkpath. 2 Press the Flashing line. When a call is on privacy hold, retrieve it at the turret where it was put on hold. All other turrets see that line as in use. You can put a call on hold and then pick up another line with the same handset/talkpath, which gives you an active call and a call on hold on that handset/talkpath. Use the Flip softkey to exchange the last call placed on hold for the active call. See softkeys on page 61. Hold Recall Timer Program the Hold Recall Timer to ensure you do not forget calls you put on hold. With the timer set, calls on hold ring once after a specified period of time. The line remains on hold and repeats the signal at specified intervals until you retrieve the call. See Set up the Hold Recall Timer on page 78. Forward/Divert External Calls The Call Forwarding/Call Diversion feature only applies to QSIG and EuroISDN. This feature can forward an incoming call made to one DDI extension to another destination (any phone number, DDI extension, or address in the form of a string of up to 26 characters). Call Forwarding/Call Diversion works on QSIG and DPNSS lines, but not on DDI nor analog lines. Call forwarding lets you forward calls under the following conditions: Immediately (Imm) all calls are forwarded immediately Busy (Busy) calls are forwarded if the DDI extension is busy Ring No Answer (RNA) calls are forwarded if they ring for a certain amount of time without being answered January 2006 External Calls 29 Busy Ring No Answer (BRNA) calls are forwarded if the DDI extension is busy or if they ring for a certain amount of time without being answered NoDv (No Divert) turns off any diversion settings When Redial is pressed after a call is diverted, the original number is redialed, not the diverted number. Menu Dvrt DDI Enter DDI Extension Next Dvrt Imm/Busy/RNA/ BRNA/NoDv Enter Phone Number Back Save Quit Turn On Diversion/Forwarding 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Dvrt. The turret prompts, Enter type of call to divert. the options are DDI, ICM, and Quit. 3 Enter the DDI extension (the DDI extension is 39 digits) that you wish to forward from. 4 Press Next. View the extension forwarded, the forwarding condition, and the destination extension or local number. 5 Press Dvrt again. The turret prompts, Please select call diversion method. Press the labeled button that corresponds to the call diversion method you want to use: immediate (Imm), busy (busy), ring-no-answer (RNA), busy or ring-no-answer (BRNA), or no forward (NoDv). The turret displays, Enter diversion number then Butn or Save. 7 Enter the number you wish to forward calls to (up to 26 digits). If you make a mistake, press Back to erase the last digit entered. 8 Press Save to return to the Menu. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu. 6 Menu Dvrt DDI Enter DDI Next Dvrt NoDv Ext. Turn Off Diversion/Forwarding 1 Press Menu to open the Menu. 2 Press Dvrt. The turret prompts, Select type of call to divert: the options are DDI, ICM, and Quit. 3 Select the DDI option. 4 The turret prompts: Enter the DDI Ext. 5 Enter the DDI extension (the DDI extension is 39 digits) that you want to turn off. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 30 Chapter 2: Call Management External Calls Press Next. View the extension forwarded, the forwarding condition, and the destination extension or local number. 7 Press Dvrt. The turret prompts, Please select call diversion method. 8 Select NoDv to turn off call forwarding and return to the Menu. 6 Menu Dvrt Next More Ext or Quit Quit View the Diversion/Forwarding Status Press Menu to open the Menu. 2 Press Dvrt. The turret prompts, Select type of call to divert: the options are DDI, ICM, and Quit. 3 Press Next. 4 Press More. View the extension forwarded, the forwarding condition, and the destination extension or local number, if forwarding is set. 5 Press Ext to view the forwarding status of other extensions or press Quit when you are done. 6 Press Quit to exit the Menu. 1 Dual-Destination Diversion The Dual-Destination Diversion feature supports diversion to two different extensions, depending on the kind of diversion selected. Menu Dvrt Enter DDI Extension Next Dvrt NoDv Next Save Quit There is one diversion destination available for busy diversions and another destination for ring-no-answer (RNA) diversions. This feature is supported for local and remote QSIG, EuroISDN, and DPNSS, as well as Line Networking. To set Dual-Destination Diversion 1 2 3 4 5 6 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Press Dvrt. The turret prompts, Enter type of call to divert. the options are DDI, ICM, and Quit. When prompted to select the type of call you want to divert, select DDI. Enter the DDI extension (the DDI extension is 39 digits) that you wish to forward from. Press Next. Press Dvrt, then select the diversion type. For an definition for each diversion type, see Diversion Types in Forward/Divert External Calls on page 28 Imm January 2006 External Calls 31 Busy RNA BRNA (Dual-Destination Diversion option, only) NoDv The Dual-Destination Diversion only works with the Busy and RNA diversion types. 7 8 9 10 11 Menu Dvrt Enter DDI 12 13 14 Extension Next Dvrt NoDv Next Save Quit In response to the prompt: Enter diversion number, then press Butn or Save, then enter the number to divert to. Press Butn to create a button for the diversion. (You can press Save to set the default diversion for the line without assigning the diversion to a button.) Select the label for the button from the button display. Type the button label number, then press Next. Press Save. Press Dvrt to create a second diversion button. Follow Step 1 through Step 11 to create the second button. After you finish, press Quit to exit the menu. To set Dual-Destination Diversion When Line Networked 1 2 3 4 5 6 Menu Dvrt Enter DDI 7 8 9 ExtensionEnter DDI Extension Next Dvrt NoDv Next Save Press Menu, then Dvrt. When prompted to select the type of call you want to divert, select DDI. Select a Site from the upper display pane before continuing. Enter the extension that you are diverting from and press Next. Press Dvrt, then select the diversion type, BRNA. Enter the Busy destination extension then press Save. Enter the Ring No Answer destination extension then press Next. Press Save. After you finish, press Quit to exit the menu. To Disable a Dual-Destination Diversion When Line Networked You must have the Diversion feature button softkeys available on your turret. 1 Press Menu, then Dvrt. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 32 Chapter 2: Call Management External Calls 2 When prompted to select the type of call you want to divert, select DDI. If you are Line Networked, then you must select a Site from the upper pane before continuing with Step 4. 3 4 5 6 7 Enter the destination extension you want to turn off then press Next. Press Dvrt, then select the diversion type, press the NoDv button. Type the line number for which you are setting the diversion then press Next. Press Save. After you finish, press Quit to exit the menu. To Disable a Diversion Using When Line Networked Press the button associated with the diversion to enable it. 2 Press the button associated with the diversion again, to disable it. 1 If you have a one-button Dual-Destination Diversion, set to BRNA. You can alter the settings to either Busy or Ring No Answer as individual functions. If you choose to separate the combined BRNA setting to RNA only, and the (B) Busy portion of BRNA is still enabled it continues to divert to its previously set extension. The newly designated RNA diverts to its newly programmed extension. Conversely, if you choose to separate the combined BRNA setting to Busy only, the (RNA) Ring No Answer portion of BRNA is still enabled it continues to divert to its previously set extension. The newly designated Busy diverts to its newly programmed extension. One Button Diversion The One Button Divert feature allows the trader to push one button to forward all calls, per extension, to a pre-specified DDI extension. This function of the Call Diversion feature applies to all Divert types: immediate, busy, ring no answer, busy/ring no answer, and no divert. Use this function to program various settings for desired times of the day, for example, a morning meeting diversion, a lunchtime diversion, and an after-hours diversion, to individual January 2006 External Calls 33 buttons. You must still, however, press the button to enable this feature, every time you want to use it, the turret does not automatically divert based on the time of day, or any other factor short of pressing the button. One Button Divert is programmable from either the Program Manager on the turret or the System Center, and does not stop you from configuring the divert feature in a multi-step process. When the diversion information of a One Button Divert button matches the current divert information for that extension, the LED of that divert button lamps green. A One Button Divert button that is configured for No Divert (NoDiv) need only to match the Extension and Divert Type, while all other Divert Types need to match not only Extension and Divert Type, but also Extension Diverted To. Create a One Button Diversion button Menu Dvrt DDI DDI Extension Next Ext DDI Extension Dvrt Diversion Method DDI Extension Butn Button/Page Descriptor Next Save To create One Button Diversion buttons: 1 Press Menu. 2 Press Dvrt. The turret prompts, Select type of call to divert: the options are DDI, ICM, and Quit. 3 Select the DDI option. The turret prompts: Enter a DDI ext. 4 Enter the DDI Extension that you wish to forward and press Next. The turret displays, Ext: extension number Div:diversion method To: receiving extension number. 5 6 Press Ext. The turret displays Enter DDI ext. Enter the desired DDI Extension. The turret displays, Ext: new extension number Div: diversion method To: diversion extension, if diversion method is not set to No Divert. 7 8 9 10 11 12 Press Dvrt. The turret prompts, Please select call diversion method. Select Imm, Busy, RNA or BRNA. Enter diversion number then Save: displays on the turret. Enter the DDI Extension and press Butn. The turret displays, Please select a button or Page. Enter the Button or Page you desire the One Button Divert button to reside on. The turret prompts, Enter new Descriptor. Enter the Descriptor. Press Next. The turret prompts, Press Save to save button. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 34 Chapter 2: Call Management Internal Calls 13 Press Save. After creating a button for One Button Diversion, you can edit the label of the button by pressing Menu, View, pressing Label the button, then pressing Dscr. However, you cannot edit the destination number for the diversion and to do so requires you create a new One Button Diversion button. Turn Off One Button Divert The last One Button Divert persists. Pressing a One Button Divert button for a particular extension overrides any previous diversion setting. The One Button Divert button is a toggle button, meaning that the action taken by selecting the button depends upon the state of the button. If the button is not lamped (the divert information for that button does not match the database information for that extension), pressing the button sets that diversion information for that extension. The easiest way to turn off diversion settings for multiple one button diversions is by programming a button for no diversion. The best way to turn off the diversion settings for multiple One Button Divert buttons is to program a button sequence to clear specific divert buttons. For each extension you want programmed into your button sequence, you must first program a One Button Divert that is set to No Divert for that extension. Then program each of those No Divert buttons into a button sequence, see Create a Module Button Sequence on page 64 for more information. Internal Calls Use internal calling for trader-to-trader communications instead of using the Intercom. Traders must program an INTA module button (see Module Buttons on page 62) to receive internal calls. Place an Internal Call MXF 3 TRID Select a handset/talkpath and press the MXF softkey (see Add Features to softkeys on page 61). 2 Dial 3 and the four-digit TRID number (pad with preceding zeros when necessary for example, TRID 4 becomes 0004.) 1 The trader being invited into the call has their INTA LED lamp to indicate an incoming call. January 2006 Transfer Calls 35 Answer an Internal Call INTA 1 2 Select a handset/talkpath. Press the INTA softkey. Internal calls ring at your turret on the INTA button. Release Unanswered Internal Calls In the Internal Call model, when a trader is invited to join (conference into) a call, but that trader has not yet answered, the trader is added as a pendinganswer call party. When there is a pendinganswer call party in a call, all other parties who have joined the conference hear the ringback tone. If the trader never answers, this ringback tone may become annoying to other parties in the conference. To remove an individual trader who has been invited to join the call but has not answered: 1 Press the MXF softkey. 2 Press 3, then press the key. 3 Dial the four-digit TRID of the individual trader to be released (pad with preceding zeros when necessary. For example, TRID 4 becomes 0004). MXF 3 TRID Remove all Invited Traders That Have Not Answered MXF 3 Press the MXF softkey. Press 3, then press the key. 3 Press the key again. 1 2 Release Internal Calls Release Press the Release button for the selected handset/talkpath. Transfer Calls The IQMX IP turret allows you to transfer calls to other traders within your group and to other trader groups. This section details the various types of transfer functions available on the turret and some general information about single and group transfers. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 36 Chapter 2: Call Management Transfer Calls The CLI number for the transferred call is the extension of the line that was placed on hold when the transfer button was pressed (the original extension). The CLI name sent out remains the same (XFER Trader Name). This is only valid for calls that use vLACs. If a physical LAC is transferred using the PBX transfer, the CLI number is all zeroes. Obtain a list of trader groups and their codes from the System Administrator. Always use a four-digit TRID except when logging onto the turret. Add a 0 to the front of any TRID with only three digits. Example: 101 becomes 0101. You cannot transfer an internal call to another TRID. Line networking may cause problems when trying to retrieve a remote line that the transfer has been aborted. If all of your site networking channels are busy, you cannot retrieve an aborted transferred call until a channel becomes available. The IQMX displays: No network channel. The green LED on a digital line flashes after you press the Transfer button, but on an analog line it stays steadily lamped. On both types of lines, the LED unlamps when the call is released at the transferring station. Each trader in the group to which you want to transfer a dialtone line call must have a TFER softkey programmed at their turret (see Set up Transfer Buttons to Receive Group Transfer on page 37). Press the line button if you want to retrieve the call you transferred for example, when no traders in the group to which you transferred the call are able to answer. A flashing high priority LED lamps at the TFER softkey to indicate an incoming group transfer call. There is no audible ring associated with that call. Once one trader has answered the transferred call, the remaining group members can no longer answer. You cannot transfer an Internal call to a group. Line networking does not support group transfer of a remote line to a TRID. Notes for Group Transfers: January 2006 Transfer Calls 37 Transfer Calls to PBX Extensions To transfer a dialtone line call from a turret to a PBX extension number, equip the dialtone line with transfer capabilities (for example, your host telephone system, PBX, or Centrex). 1 Press the Transfer button for the selected handset/talkpath. 2 Dial the PBX extension to which you want to transfer the call. 3 Follow the instructions for the transfer feature in your host telephone system to release the call after transfer. Transfer Extension Transfer a Line Call to Another TRID MXF Transfer TRID Release Press the MXF softkey. 2 Press Transfer for the selected handset/talkpath. 3 Dial the four-digit TRID where you want the call transferred (pad with preceding zeros when necessary for example, TRID 4 becomes 0004). 4 Announce the caller and press Release when the trader answers. 1 You cannot transfer the line call if you are using a network line. Set up Transfer Buttons to Receive Group Transfer In addition to the Transfer buttons on the Control Module, traders must have a TFER softkey programmed on the turret to receive a dialtone call transferred to their group (see Add Features to softkeys on page 61). The descriptor of the programmed TFER softkey stays blank until a call is transferred to the group. Once a call is transferred, the button then displays the full eight characters of the descriptor of the line from which the call originated. Transfer Dialtone Calls to a Group of TRIDs MXF Transfer Two-digit code Press MXF. The turret prompts, Enter Code. Press the Transfer button for the selected handset/talkpath, then press 8. The turret prompts, Enter 2 digit group. 3 Dial the two-digit code of the trader group to which you want to send the call. 1 2 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 38 Chapter 2: Call Management Conference 4 The call is transferred and rings at all the TRIDs in the designated broadcast group. Conference Conference calls allow you to speak to more than one party at a time. This section provides information about the various types of conference calls available for use. The types of conference calls supported are dependant on site parameters specified by the system administrator. Supervised Conference Calls One TRID controls the conference call and retains control until the conference is released. You may put parties on hold or add them to the conference call one at a time. To include internal calls in the conference, you must press the Conference button each time before adding a direct Intercom line. You may conference calls using the hands free option. However, you cannot conference calls on any other type of speaker. When you reach your sites limit for the number of parties in a conference call and you try to add another party, the turret displays, Party Addition Rejected. If you try to conference duplicate lines, an error message appears and you must press the Conference button again before seizing another line. You may conference with up to ten parties plus yourself. Note that this is a default limit, that a system administrator can change. Conference Line Button(s) Set up a Supervised Conference Call 1 Establish the first call. 2 Press the Conference button for the selected handset/talkpath. 3 Press the line buttons of the calls you want to conference (up to a limit of ten parties plus yourself). The turret displays, Line Conference. Release a Supervised Conference Call To release the call, do one of the following: line button or Release January 2006 Conference 39 Press the line button of each call you want to disconnect. Press the Release button for the selected handset/talkpath to release all the parties at once. Unsupervised Conference Calls A trader controls the flow of conversation in a Supervised Conference call. If the trader puts the call on hold, all parties are on hold individually and cannot talk to each other. In an Unsupervised Conference call the other parties may continue to speak to each other even when the trader puts the call on hold. The Unsupervised Conference Calls feature is a system cost option and is not configured on a per station basis. Unsupervised Conference calls can be set up on the left and right handset/talkpaths at the same time. If you have line networking, you cannot set up an Unsupervised Conference call with remote lines. Conference Line buttons Hold Conference Set up an Unsupervised Conference Call 1 Establish the first call. 2 Press the Conference button for the selected handset/talkpath. 3 Press the line buttons of the calls to conference up to 10 parties. The turret displays, Line Conference. 4 Press the Hold button for the selected handset/talkpath. The LEDs at your turret for these lines are solid red. Other turrets that share these lines have solid red LEDs. 5 Press the Conference button for the selected handset/talkpath or access a line in the conference call to regain control of the conference. Other turrets may control the conference by pressing a line in the call. Release an Unsupervised Conference Call 1 Press the Conference button for the selected handset/talkpath or access a line in the conference call to regain control of the conference. 2 Release the Conference using one of the following methods: Press the line button of each call you want to disconnect. Press the Release button for the selected handset/talkpath to release all the parties at once. Conference Release Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 40 Chapter 2: Call Management Hunt Calls Hunt Calls Use hunt to select an available line from a group of similar dialtone lines while you are placing a call. In addition to the default Hunt button available on the Control Module, the System Administrator may set up multiple hunt groups from the System Center for different line provider groups. In that case, you must configure multiple hunt groups. See Module Button and softkey Descriptions on page 57. Each TRID may be configured to have a Personal Hunt Group. The System Administrator is responsible for the configuration of this feature. The Personal Hunt Group feature does not increase the number of simultaneous Hunt Groups available to the TRID or the total number of sharable Hunt Groups in a system. Place a Hunt Call Hunt Dial, Speed Dial, Index Speed Dial or 1 Press the Hunt button. The first available dialtone line in the hunt group becomes active. The first available dialtone line in the hunt group floats and displays in the lower portion of the Control Module if that line is not on the displayed page. 2 Place the call in one of three ways: Dial the number for the outgoing call. Press a speed dial button. Press the Dial button plus a two-digit index dial code. Speed Dial Calls Speed dialing saves you time when making external calls on a dialtone line. There are two types of speed dialing: standard speed dial and index dial. You may include hunt in a speed dial or index dial. For information about setting up speed dial and index dial, see Speed Dial on page 70. Dialtone Line Speed Dial Place a Speed Dial Call 1 Select a handset/talkpath or press the ICMT button to call hands free. January 2006 Call Privacy 41 Select an idle dialtone line (do not do this step if hunt is assigned to the speed dial button you are going to use). 3 Press the speed dial button for the party you want to call. 2 Place an Index Dial Call Dialtone Line Dial Index Code Select a handset/talkpath. 2 Select an idle dialtone line (do not do this step if hunt is assigned to the speed dial button you are going to use). 3 Press Dial and the two-digit index code. 1 Call Privacy By default, any trader may join a call on an active line simply by selecting the active line button. Turn on privacy to prevent traders from joining your conversation. If a trader tries to select a line in privacy, the turret displays, Call Rejected, Line in a Privacy Call on their turret. Set up Call Privacy Line button Pvcy Select a line button and press the Pvcy button programmed at your station. The red LED lamps and the message, Privacy on displays. With remote lines, you can press the Pvcy button before or after you select the line button. 2 Place the call. 1 When you release the call, privacy is turned off and the Pvcy LED unlamps. You may put private calls on exclusive hold. See Hold External Calls on page 27. Redial Button Functions Use the Redial button on the Control Module to redial the last number you called, as well as to manually signal a private line. See Place an External Call on an Extension Line. on page 26 for details on placing private line calls. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 42 Chapter 2: Call Management CLI/Caller ID Redial the Last Number Called Handset Dialtone line Redial Select the handset/talkpath initially used to place the line call. Press an idle dialtone line button. 3 Press the Redial button for the selected handset/talkpath. The turret displays the number it is redialing. 1 2 Manually Signal a Private line Handset Private line Redial Select the handset/talkpath you want to use. 2 Press the private line button you want to call. 3 Press the Redial button to send a signal on that line. 1 CLI/Caller ID Calling Line Identification (CLI), also referred to as caller ID, is a cost option that displays information about the party placing an incoming call. Either the name or the telephone number of the calling party displays on the lines button label when a call rings on line buttons that have the attribute enabled. The CLI number for the transferred call is the extension of the line that was placed on hold when the transfer button was pressed (the original extension). The CLI name sent out remains the same (XFER Trader Name). This is only valid for calls that use vLACs. If a physical LAC is transferred using the PBX transfer, the CLI number is all zeroes. CLI is subject to the following considerations: The number displays by default if the callers name is not available, even if you set it up to display name first. The turret displays, No CLI data available if the calling party has blocked their name and number. The CLI label is limited to eight alphanumeric characters, the length of the button label. An asterisk () displays at the end of the label if the CLI number or name contain more characters than the allowable limit. Press the toggle CLI button (tCLI) to switch between displaying the name and telephone number. You can use CLI buttons to change the data that displays: January 2006 Voicemail 43 Press the suppress CLI button (sCLI) before placing a call to suppress the outbound CLI information. Press the retrieve CLI button (rCLI) followed by any line button to view the full CLI information on the centerline, even if you set the CLI Attribute (CLI Name/Number) to NoCLI. Lucent PBXs limit outbound CLI information to 15 digits. Nortel PBXs limit outbound CLI information to 14 digits. Voicemail The Alliance MX System lamps a designated voicemail notification button on your turret when a new message arrives in your voicemail mailbox. More than one voicemail button may be set up by your administrator. Your PBX must have voicemail capability for the System Administrator to set up the Alliance MX System Center to retrieve voicemail. Retrieve Voicemail Messages Example The following is an example of how to retrieve voicemail messages. The procedure is dependant on the PBX and voicemail used at your site. 1 Press the voicemail notification button to connect to the voicemail system. 2 Enter your mailbox number and password (depending on your PBX system). 3 Listen to the messages and either save or delete as applicable. The lamped voicemail notification turns off after you have retrieved and deleted your messages from voicemail. You cannot remove a voicemail button with the Undo programming option. Voicemail Mailbox number Password Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 44 Chapter 2: Call Management Voicemail January 2006 Chapter 3: Intercom Calls 45 3 Intercom Calls Intercom call management features are covered in this chapter. In This Chapter The Intercom Feature. 46 Before You Can Use the Intercom Call Feature. 47 Hands Free Module Volume Knob. 47 Intercom Calls. 47 Place an Intercom Call. 47 Answer an Intercom Call on the Hands Free Module. 48 Answer an Intercom Call on a Handset. 48 Release an Intercom Call on the Hands Free Module. 48 Release an Intercom Call on a Handset. 48 Divert an Intercom Call. 48 Set up an Intercom Diversion button. 49 Direct Intercom. 50 Place a Direct Intercom Call. 50 Group Calls. 51 Place a Group Call with Answerback. 51 Place a Group Call without Answerback. 51 Place a Group Call with Group Talkback. 52 Answer a Group Call. 52 All Calls. 52 Place an All Call with Answerback. 53 Place an All Call without Answerback. 53 Place an All Call with Group Talkback. 54 Answer an All Call. 54 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 46 Chapter 3: Intercom Calls The Intercom Feature An Intercom call is a point-to-point internal call that is auto-answered. It allows traders to speak to each other without using line resources. This section outlines how to place and answer Intercom calls on the handset/talkpath or in hands free mode. About Intercom Calls: To use the Intercom feature you must program an ICM button or an ICMT button, or both. You can make Intercom calls to any TRID in the Alliance MX system or, if multi-site intercom is enabled, to other interconnected systems by using a two-digit site ID code. For local mode, always use a four-digit TRID except when logging onto the turret. Add zeros (0) to the front of any TRID with only two or three digits. Examples: TRID 4 becomes 0004 and TRID 101 becomes 0101. For multi-site intercom, you must include the intercom site ID also. Intercom calls are sent to the hands-free speaker on the Control Module and announced with a splash tone and a flashing green ICM LED on the receiving turret. If the Intercom call came in hands-free, your ICM LED is green speak toward your microphone. If ICM is flashing red (and the volume knob is turned off), press the ICM button to answer the call using your handset/talkpath, otherwise turn up the volume knob (the LED lamp on the ICMT button switches from red to green) on the Hands Free Module to answer hands free. Use the ICMT button to toggle between the selected handset/talkpath and the Intercom speaker once the Intercom call is connected. You do not have to select a handset/talkpath before placing an Intercom or direct Intercom call. If the Intercom is busy, new calls are queued and announced by a flashing red ICM button and a pending turret message. January 2006 Before You Can Use the Intercom Call Feature 47 Before You Can Use the Intercom Call Feature If you do not have an ICM or ICMT button on your turret display, you must first add these softkeys. You must have the ICM and ICMT buttons added to your turret in order to use all of the Intercom Call features. Contact your System Administrator to add these buttons to your turret. For more information on programming module buttons, see Module Buttons on page 62. Hands Free Module Volume Knob If the volume knob is turned off, the LED on the ICMT button lamps red, this indicates that the Hands Free feature is off. To answer an Intercom call when the volume knob is turned off, you must pick up the handset/talkpath, and then press the ICM button to answer the call. When the volume knob is turned on and positioned at a chosen volume level, the LED on the ICMT button lamps green, indicating that the Hands Free intercom feature is on. Now when you receive an intercom call, press the ICM button (the incoming intercom call is heard through the HFM speaker) and speak towards the microphone. Or, you can press the ICMT button to toggle the call to a handset/talkpath. Each time you press the ICMT button it toggles the intercom call between the handset/talkpath and the HFM speaker. The LED for the ICMT button lamps red when the itercom call is directed to the HFM speaker. Intercom Calls Place an Intercom Call Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICM button on the Control Module to activate the hands free feature. The HFM speaker broadcasts a dialtone sound. 2 The turret displays Enter Code (only for multi-site calls). 3 Dial a 2-digit site ID code (only for multi-site calls). 4 Dial a four-digit TRID number (pad with preceding zeros when necessary for example, TRID 4 becomes 0004.). ICM Location Code TRID Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 48 Chapter 3: Intercom Calls Divert an Intercom Call 5 Speak after the tone or, if you hear ringing, wait for an answer. Answer an Intercom Call on the Hands Free Module ICMT Speaker Knob ICM Intercom calls are auto-answered. 1 Toggle the ICMT button to hands free mode. 2 Turn the HFM speaker volume knob to set the volume at the required level of loudness. The turret displays Speaker Intercom active. An incoming Intercom call sends a two-beep tone and lamps the ICM LED green. 3 When you hear the incoming Intercom call from the HFM speaker, press the ICM button and speak into the microphone to answer the call. Answer an Intercom Call on a Handset HFM Speaker Knob ICM Intercom calls arenot auto-answered. 1 Turn off the HFM speaker by rotating the volume knob left until you hear an audible click, indicating that the speaker is in the deactivated state. The turret displays, Handset ICM active. If the speaker knob is turned off, the ICMT LED flashes red when a call comes in, and the turret displays, ICM connected to TRID trader name. 2 Pick up a handset/talkpath and press the ICM button to answer the call. Release an Intercom Call on the Hands Free Module ICMT ICM Press the ICMT button to toggle out of the hands free feature. 2 Press the ICM button. The LED lamps off. 1 Release an Intercom Call on a Handset ICM Press the ICM button on the appropriate handset/talkpath. The LED lamps off. Divert an Intercom Call Intercom calls can be forwarded to multisite intercom extensions, TRIDs, and Enterprise Hoot Intercom, but not to a DDI extension. If an intercom call is diverted, the calling TRID sees a message in their centerline display telling the connected trader name and number that they have been diverted to. If an intercom call is diverted and pends, the calling party sees in their centerline display the TRID or multisite intercom extension to which January 2006 Divert an Intercom Call 49 they have been diverted and at which are pending. There is no centerline message notifying the TRID receiving the call that the call is diverted for the receiving party, the intercom call is indistinguishable from non-diverted calls. To use Intercom Diversion, press a one-button divert button that is pre-programmed for the kind of diversion you want. You can set up the following diversions (which are the same as DDI diversions): No Divert (NoDv) Removes all diversion settings for a specific TRID. Divert Immediately Diverts intercom calls immediately from the intended destination to the diverted destination. This diversion is supported for BRI stations: calls that are immediately diverted forward successfully to BRI stations. Divert if Occupied (BUSY) This setting diverts all point-to-point intercom calls to the destination trader when that trader is currently on an intercom call, or has Do Not Disturb enabled on the ICMX or the HFM volume is in the off position on the IQMX. Point-to-point intercom calls do not pend at the destination trader with this condition enabled. Divert if No Answer (RNA) Divert if Occupied or No Answer (BRNA) Additionally, you can set up the following special diversions (which are unique to Intercom Diversion): Menu Dvrt ICM Enter Diversion Divert on Logoff This diversion is supported for BRI stations. Divert on Locked Divert on Both No Special Divert Type TRID or Destination Next Butn Location Next Save Quit Set up an Intercom Diversion button Press Menu then Dvrt. When prompted to select the type of call you want to divert, select ICM. 3 Select the diversion type. 1 2 Imm Busy RNA Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 50 Chapter 3: Intercom Calls Direct Intercom 4 5 BRNA 6 7 8 NoDv Type the number (TRID or Multisite Intercom extension) for which you are setting the diversion then press Next. Press Butn to create a button for the diversion. (You can press Save to set the default diversion for the line without assigning the diversion to a button.) Select a location for the button. Type the button label then press Next. Press Save then Quit to exit the menu. After you create a button for ICM diversion, create a second button that sets ICM to NoDv (no diversion). After you press your ICM diversion button, you need the NoDv button to turn off the diversion. Direct Intercom Direct Intercom buttons call one specific trader. Assign personalized descriptors to direct Intercom buttons to identify that trader. To program direct Intercom buttons, see Module Buttons on page 62. Place a Direct Intercom Call DICM for a specific TRID Ensure the volume knob is turned on. 1 Press the DICM button for the TRID you want to call. The green LED for that button lights. 2 Start talking after: The tone that announces your call (receiving turret is in hands-free mode) The trader picks up the ringing call (receiving turret is in handset/talkpath mode) 3 Press either the Release or DICM button again to release the call. January 2006 Group Calls 51 Group Calls A group call is a broadcast announcement to a pre-defined group of TRIDs set up by the System Administrator. You may place group calls with or without answerback capability. Answerback allows the first trader pressing the GANS softkey on the float button of the turret to respond to your announcement. Obtain a list of your authorized group codes from your System Administrator. GTBK (Group Talkback) displays when there is an incoming Intercom Group Call that allows all group members to participate. Button has push-to-talk functionality. Group talkback allows multiple traders to respond to your announcement by pressing the GTBK button. Place a Group Call with Answerback Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICMT button. 2 Press ICM. The Enter code prompt displays on the centerline. 3 Dial 8. The Enter 2 digit group prompt displays. 4 Dial the trader broadcast group code (0099). 5 Make your group call announcement. A GANS button (group answer) appears at every traders station in the trader broadcast group. The first trader to press GANS is connected to you and all others are disconnected. 6 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. ICMT ICM 8 Group code Place a Group Call without Answerback Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICMT button. 2 Press ICM. The Enter code prompt displays on the centerline. 3 Dial 8, The Enter 2 digit group prompt displays. 4 Dial the trader broadcast group code (0099). 5 Make your group call announcement. The GANS button does not display on the traders station. ICM ICM 8 Group code Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 52 Chapter 3: Intercom Calls All Calls 6 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. Place a Group Call with Group Talkback Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICMT button. 2 Press ICM. The Enter code prompt displays on the centerline. 3 Dial 8. The Enter 2 digit group prompt displays. 4 Dial the trader broadcast group code (0099). 5 Make your group call announcement. A GTBK button (group talkback) appears at every traders station in the trader broadcast group. When a receiving trader presses and holds the GTBK button, that trader is connected to you (the originator) and all other traders in the group. Multiple traders can press the GTBK button at the same time. 6 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. ICMT ICM 8 Group code Answer a Group Call Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICMT button to toggle between using the handset/talkpath or the microphone. 2 Press the GANS button that appears on your Control Module. You are connected to the originating caller and all other traders are disconnected. 3 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. Handset or ICMT GANS All Calls An All Call is a broadcast announcement to all the traders in your system. The All Call feature is a cost option that your System Administrator must activate before you can use it. You may place All Calls with or without answerback capability. Answerback allows the first trader pressing the GANS softkey on the float button of the turret to respond to your announcement. January 2006 All Calls 53 GTBK (Group Talkback) displays when there is an incoming Intercom All Call that allows all traders to participate. Button has push-to-talk functionality. Group talkback allows multiple traders to respond to your announcement by pressing the GTBK button. You cannot make an All Call to a remote site if you do not have multi-site intercom. Place an All Call with Answerback ICMT ICM 9 Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICMT button to toggle between using the handset/talkpath or the microphone. 2 Press ICM. The Enter code prompt displays on the centerline. 3 Dial 9 and make the All Call announcement. A GANS button (group answer) appears at every traders station in the trader broadcast group. The first trader to press GANS is connected to you and all others are disconnected. 4 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. Place an All Call without Answerback Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICMT button to toggle between using the handset/talkpath or the microphone. 2 Press ICM. The Enter code prompt displays on the centerline. 3 Dial 9, and make the All Call announcement. The GANS button does not display on the traders station. 4 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. ICMT ICM 9 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 54 Chapter 3: Intercom Calls All Calls Place an All Call with Group Talkback Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Press the ICMT button to toggle between using the handset/talkpath or the microphone 2 Press ICM. The Enter code prompt displays on the centerline. 3 Dial 9 and make the All Call announcement. A GTBK button (group answer) appears at every traders station in the trader broadcast group. When a receiving trader presses and holds the GTBK button, that trader is connected to you (the originator) and all other traders in the group. Multiple traders can press the GTBK button at the same time. 4 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. ICMT ICM 9 Answer an All Call Turn the volume knob either on or off. If the volume knob is turned off, your intercom call can only be made from the handset/talkpath. If the volume knob is turned on, you can speak into the microphone to place the intercom call. 1 Select a handset/talkpath or press the ICM button to answer hands free. 2 Press the GANS button that appears on your Control Module. You are connected to the originating caller for a private conversation, and all other parties are disconnected. 3 Press the appropriate Release button to end the broadcast. Handset or ICMT GANS January 2006 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons 55 4 Program Module Buttons The IQMX IP turret allows you to tailor the station to fit your needs. This section describes how to personalize the module buttons for the way you work. In This Chapter Menu Overview. 57 Module Button and softkey Descriptions. 57 softkeys. 61 Add Features to softkeys. 61 Edit Features on softkeys. 61 Delete Features from softkeys with Undo. 61 View softkey Information. 62 Module Buttons. 62 Assign a Button/Feature to a Module Button. 62 Copy a Module Button. 63 Edit a Module Button Feature. 63 Delete a Module Button Feature. 64 Move a Feature from a Module Button to a Control Module softkey. 64 Create a Module Button Sequence. 64 Designate a Dual Destination Intercom Button. 65 Line Buttons. 66 Line Button Information. 66 View Line Buttons without Line Networking. 66 View Line Button Information at Remote Sites. 67 Line Access on Module Buttons. 67 Add Lines to Module Buttons. 68 Edit Lines on Module Buttons. 68 Swap Lines on Module Buttons. 69 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 56 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Speed Dial. Create a Speed Dial Button for a Specific Line. Create a Speed Dial Button with Hunt. Create a Speed Dial Button without a Specific Line/Hunt. Edit a Speed Dial Number. Swap Speed Dial Buttons. Add an Index Dial softkey. Add an Index Dial Assignment. View an Index Dial Assignment. Edit an Index Dial Assignment. Remove an Index Dial Assignment. Change Line Attributes. Change the Signaling on a Private Line. Change Priority Status. Change Ring Status. Change Float/No Float Status. Change CLI Display Status. Change a Line Buttons Centerline Display. Add a Distinctive Ringing Sound. Set up the Hold Recall Timer. 70 70 71 71 71 72 72 73 73 74 74 74 75 75 76 76 77 77 78 78 January 2006 Module Button and softkey Descriptions 57 Menu Overview Press the Menu button on the Control Module to open the Menu. Figure 4-1: Menu Diagram Speed Dial: Allows the user to Add a new a speed dial button to the module buttons or Edit an existing button Line: Allows the user to Add a new Line (LAC required) to the module buttons or Edit an existing Line Broadcast: Allows the user to Add a new Broadcast Group (up to 5 Private Lines) or Edit an existing Group Dial: Used to View, Add, Edit or Undo an Index Dial number (00 - 19) Ring: Used to change Line Attributes (priority, ring float), Ringer volume Ringer pitch Softkey Menu: Used to View, Add, Edit or Undo buttons on the Control Module Volume: Allows the user to adjust the default handset receive volume View: Views attributes of any button on the button module or System Information Undo: Deletes any button on the Module buttons Spdl Line Bcst Di al Ring Sfky Vol View Undo HELP Quit Help: Explains each Please select FEATURE, HELP, or Quit Logn Butn Swap SPKV Hrct Dvrt SpGr key in the program menu Quit: Quits without savin or exits a menu Speaker Group: Used to assign speaker channels to Group 1 or Group 2 talkback Divert: Used to assign a call divert extension Hold Recall Time: Speaker View: Swap: Used to change the Hold Recall time (Off, 30 sec, 1 min. or 2 min Allows the user to View, Add or Undo lines that are programmed to the speakers Allows the user to swap any two buttons assigned to the module buttons Button Menu: Allows the user to program feature keys to the module buttons Logon: Allows the user to Log on or Log off a turret, lock the turret, or to change the current Password on a turret Module Button and softkey Descriptions Module buttons reside on the Control, Applications, and Button Modules and are programmed with either lines or features. softkeys are located only in the bottom row of buttons on the Control Module and are generally programmed with the most commonly used features. When using the menu, unprogrammed softkeys are labeled Flot, which means floating available for use. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 58 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Module Button and softkey Descriptions You may move a programmed line from a module button to a softkey but cannot program lines directly to softkeys. See Move a Feature from a Module Button to a Control Module softkey on page 64. The following table provides the names and definition of features available to program on both module buttons and softkeys. Table 4-1: Available Features Feature ARcl Brt () Brt () bSeq ClMs Dial Direct Intercom (DICM) DND Description Press the ARcl to release a current call and reseize a line without pressing either Release or a line button Brightens all turret displays. Dims all turret displays. Builds a button sequence operation that includes up to five button sequence codes. Clears all centerline messages and queued messages. Allows you to add, edit, undo, or view an Index Dial (00-19). Assigns a one-button Intercom button to a particular TRID. Toggles the turrets ringer off and on. When you are in the do-not-disturb mode, the turret does not ring and the DND red LED is lit. Allows direct access of a specific page of the Control or Applications Module once you enter the two-digit page number. Toggles between a call on hold and an active call on the same handset/talkpath. Toggles any call (line or intercom) to and from the HFM. Note that HFM is a hard key on the front of the turret, but may also be programmed as a button. D-PG Flip HFM January 2006 Module Button and softkey Descriptions 59 Table 4-1: Available Features (continued) Feature Hunt ICM ICMT INTA LCnf1 LFls 1 Description Program a Hunt softkey in addition to using the Control Modules Hunt button to access these groups. See Hunt Calls on page 40. Accesses Intercom features. Toggles intercom calls to and from the HFM handset/talkpath, or speaker when in hands-free mode. Internal Answer. Answers internal calls placed by or transferred from another TRID. Conferences the left handset/talkpath call. Transfers the left handset/talkpath call. Places the left handset/talkpath call on hold. Drops the existing call on the right handset/talkpath and reseizes a line. Releases the right handset/talkpath call. Selects the left handset/talkpath. Redials the left handset/talkpath call. Views and deletes messages on the turrets centerline display. Displays a second page of possible button functions from which to choose. MXF plus specific codes controls the call features described below. Privacy on Dial MXF, 8, and 1 to turn privacy on for that line. Privacy off Dial MXF, 8, and 0 to turn privacy off for that line. Transfer an outside call to another TRID without using a dialtone line Dial MXF, Transfer, and the TRID to which you want to transfer the call. Note that the TRIDs called must have an INTA button programmed, which allows stations to receive internal calls. LHld1 LRcl LRls1 LSel 1 LSig1 Mesg More MXF Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 60 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Module Button and softkey Descriptions Table 4-1: Available Features (continued) Feature MXF2 MXF3 Pvcy rCLI RCnf1 RFls1 RHld1 Rng () Rng () RRcl RRls1 RSel 1 Description Grants direct access to a line LAC. Makes an internal call. As with the MXF feature, the TRID you call must have the INTA button programmed, which allows the station to receive internal calls. Toggles between making a call private or not. Displays the full CLI (caller ID) number on the centerline display while the line is ringing. Conferences the right handset/talkpath call. Transfers the right handset/talkpath call. Places the right handset/talkpath call on hold. Adjusts the ringer volume up. Adjusts the ringer volume down. Drops the existing call on the left handset/talkpath and reseizes a line. Releases the right handset/talkpath call. Selects the right handset/talkpath. Redials the right handset/talkpath call. Suppresses the outgoing CLI (caller ID) information. Speaker View. Allows you to view, add, or undo lines programmed to speakers. Switches between displaying the CLI number and the CLI name, if they are available. Adjusts the local touch-tone volume level up. This increases the DTMF level for the turret end only. Adjusts the local touch-tone volume level down. This decreases the DTMF level for the turret end only. Adjusts the handset/talkpath volume up. Adjusts the handset/talkpath volume down. RSig1 sCLI SPKV tCLI Ton () Ton () Vol () Vol () 1. Can be used in a button sequence. January 2006 softkeys 61 softkeys This section outlines the procedures for managing features on softkeys. Use the Quit softkey on any menu where there is a Save softkey to return to the Menu, without saving your changes. For example, to exit the Vol Menu without making any changes press the Quit softkey. Add Features to softkeys Use the following steps to add a feature to an available softkey on your turret: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Sfky to open the softkey Menu. 3 Press Add. The screen prompts you to: Select softkey. 4 Press a Flot button, the screen prompts you to Select softkey and displays all the features available. 5 Select a feature for the softkey, see Table 4-1: Available Features on page 58. The turret prompts Press Save to save button. Menu Sfky Add Flot Feature Info (optional) Save Edit Features on softkeys Menu Sfky Edit softkey Feature Info (optional) Save Use the following steps to edit a feature assigned to a softkey: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Sfky to open the softkey Menu. 3 Press Edit. 4 Select the softkey you want to edit from the Control Module. The turret prompts Select Feature for softkey. 5 Select the appropriate feature for the softkey, see Table 4-1: Available Features on page 58. The turret prompts you to Press Save to save button. Menu Sfky Undo softkey Undo Delete Features from softkeys with Undo Use the following steps to delete a feature from a softkey using the Undo function. This process can be repeated for multiple softkey Undos, before quitting the Menu. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 62 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Module Buttons Press Sfky, then press Undo. The turret prompts you to Select softkey. Select the softkey to clear. The turret prompts you to Press Undo to undo button. 4 Press Undo to clear that button. 2 3 View softkey Information Menu Sfky View softkey Info Next Quit Quit Use the following steps to view the property information for a softkey: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Sfky. 3 Press View to see existing button assignments. 4 Select the softkey you want to view. 5 If you want to see more information about the same softkey, press Info. 6 Press Next and select another softkey to see information about that button. 7 Press Quit when you are finished viewing button information. 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Module Buttons This section outlines the procedures for managing features on module buttons. Assign a Button/Feature to a Module Button Use the following steps to assign a button or feature to a button on one of your turrets module: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Butn. The turret prompts, Add new or Edit existing Module Button. 3 Select Add. The turret prompts you to Please select a button or Page. 4 If necessary, select Page and then select the page number. 5 Select a spare button. The turret prompts Select Feature for Module Button. 6 Select a feature you want to assign. The turret displays Press Save to save button. Menu Butn Add Page (if required) Spare button Feature Info (optional) Save Quit January 2006 Module Buttons 63 HFM is not selectable from the feature list. To select it as a feature to assign to a module button, press the HFM hard key on the front of the turret. Press Info to display the current button information (optional). 8 Press Save to keep your entry. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. 7 Copy a Module Button Use the following steps to copy a module button from one location on your turret to another destination, on your turret: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Butn. The turret prompts, Add new or Edit existing module button. 3 Press Copy. The turret prompts you to, Select a button to copy. 4 Select the module button you want to copy. The turret prompts you to, Select destination for btn XX. 5 Select the destination. The turret prompts you to, Press Save to copy button XX to YY. 6 Press Save to keep your entry. Menu Butn Copy Module Button Destination Save Edit a Module Button Feature Menu Butn Edit Module Button Feature Info (optional) Save Quit Use the following steps to edit a module button on your turret: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Butn. The turret prompts, Add new or Edit existing module button. 3 Press Edit. The turret prompts you to, Please select a button or Page. 4 Select the module button you want to edit. The turret prompts you to, Select Feature for module button. 5 Select the feature. The turret prompts you to, Press Save to save button. 6 Press Info to display the current button information (optional). 7 Press Save to keep the entry. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 64 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Module Buttons 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Delete a Module Button Feature Menu Undo Page (if required) Module Button Feature Info (optional) Undo Use the following steps to remove a button from your module: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Undo. 3 If necessary, select Page and then select the page number. 4 Select the module button whose assignment you want to delete. 5 Press Info to display the current button information (optional). 6 Press Undo to clear the button. Move a Feature from a Module Button to a Control Module softkey Use the following steps to move a feature from a hard button on your turret to a softkey: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Sfky. 3 Press Add. 4 Select the Flot button on the Control Module where you want to add the new softkey. The turret prompts you to, Select Feature for softkey. 5 Select the Butn option on the Control Module. 6 Press the module button that you want to copy. The turret prompts you to, Press Save to save button. 7 Press Save to move the function. 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Menu Sfky Add Flot Butn Module Button Save Quit Create a Module Button Sequence Menu Sfky Add Flot bSeq Dscr Next Free Save and Quit Button sequences allow you to execute up to five turret commands with the press of a single button. Repeat these steps as often as necessary to complete your button sequences before quitting the Menu. See Module Button and softkey Descriptions on page 57. Use the following steps to create a module button sequence on your turret: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. January 2006 Module Buttons 65 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 Press Sfky. Press Add to create a new button sequence. Select a Flot button on the Control Module. The turret prompts you to, Select Feature for softkey. Press bSeq. Press Dscr and assign the button sequence a name. Press Next to continue. Press the first Free button and select a feature to assign to it. Press the next Free button(s) to add sequential commands to the button sequence. Press Save. Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Designate a Dual Destination Intercom Button Menu View Page (if required) DICM button Dscr Info Next Undo Save Quit To designate a Dual Destination Intercom button: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 When prompted to select the type of call you want to divert, select DDI. 3 Press Dvrt, then select the diversion type. Imm Busy RNA BRNA NoDv The Dual-Destination Diversion can only work with Busy and RNA. Type the line number for which you are setting the diversion then press Next. 5 Press Butn to create a button for the diversion. (You can press Save to set the default diversion for the line without assigning the diversion to a button.) 6 Select a location for the button. 4 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 66 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons Type the button label then press Next. Press Save. 9 Press Dvrt to create a second diversion button. 10 Follow Step 1 through Step 8 to create the second button. 11 After you finish, press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. 7 8 Line Buttons Line buttons provide access to dialtone, private lines, Virtual Private Lines (VPLs), and functions that have been assigned to the Applications Module. Current line information includes the descriptor, line type (LAC), high or low priority, ring type, float programming, and CLI display status. Each of these attributes are discussed in this section. The descriptor displays as Blank for an unassigned module button. Line Button Information This section provides the steps to view line button properties. View Line Buttons without Line Networking 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press View. The turret prompts you to Please select a button or Page. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the button you want to view. 4 Select a line button to view. The turret displays the button number descriptor and either its logical address code (LAC) or its virtual logical address code (vLAC). 5 Press Info to see the descriptor, type of line, and the button action attributes. 6 Select another line button to view its information. 7 Press Quit to return to the Menu. 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Menu View Page (if required) Line button Info Quit Quit January 2006 Line Buttons 67 View Line Button Information at Remote Sites The line networking feature allows you to view module button information from all networked sites. To narrow your search, select a Site before you select a button whose information you want to View. Keep the following notes in mind: The first site listed is the local site. Once you select a specific site, you must press Quit and View again to go back to viewing all sites. To view module buttons at a specific remote site: 1 2 Menu View Site More (if required) Page (if required) Module Button Info Quit and Quit 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Press View. The turret prompts you to Please select a button or Page. Press Site and select the specific remote site of the button information you want to view. Use More to scroll through the list of sites if necessary. If necessary, press Page to select the page of the button you want to view. Select a module button to view. The turret shows you the button number, either its logical address code (LAC) or its virtual logical address code (vLAC), its site, and its descriptor. If you want to see more information on the selected button, press Info. This displays the descriptor, the type of line, and the button action attributes. Select another module button to view its information. Press Quit when you are finished viewing buttons. Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Line Access on Module Buttons Module buttons provide access to dialtone lines, private lines, Virtual Private Lines (VPLs), and functions that have been assigned to the Applications and Button Modules. You must obtain the line LAC/vLAC number(s) before attempting to add a line button to the Control, Applications or Button Modules. See Line Buttons on page 66 for details. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 68 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons Add Lines to Module Buttons Note that this procedure is for both LACs and vLACs. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Line, then press Add. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the button information you want to view. 4 Select the button to program. 5 Enter a valid line LAC. If you have line networking and you want to specify a line LAC at a site other than the local site: a Press Site to view the available sites. b Select the specific site at which you want to assign a line LAC. (If necessary, use More to scroll through the list of sites.) c Enter a LAC at the site. 6 Press Next to proceed. 7 Enter up to an eight-character descriptor for the line button. 8 Press Next. The turret prompts you to Select Line LAC or Descriptor. 9 Select Line or Dscr to change either entry, if you want to make a change before saving the data for the new button. Use Info to view the current information. 10 Press Save to keep your entry. 11 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Edit Lines on Module Buttons Menu Line Edit Page (if required) Module Button Info (optional) Menu Line Add Page (if required) Spare button Line LAC Site (if required) More (if required) Line LAC (if required) Next Descriptor Next Line or Dscr Info Save Quit After adding a line button to the module, you may edit the buttons descriptor and line LAC. Before editing a line button, obtain a new line LAC and/or descriptor. See Line Buttons on page 66 for details. Line Next Save Quit Line LAC or Dscr 1 2 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Press Line, then press Edit. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page where the button you want to edit resides. January 2006 Line Buttons 69 4 5 Select a module button to edit. The turret prompts you to Select LAC or Descriptor. Line Press Info if you want to obtain current line LAC and descriptor information (optional). 6 Select Line and enter a new line LAC or press Dscr to change the button description. Use Back to backspace over the old description. Use Spac to type a space in the description. Use CAPS to toggle between uppercase and lowercase characters. Use Othr to type special characters in the description. Press Next when finished editing. 8 Press Save to keep your entry. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. 7 Swap Lines on Module Buttons Menu Swap Page (if required) first button Page (if required) second button Next Save Quit Swapping allows you to exchange the assignments of two module buttons. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Swap. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the button information you want to view. 4 Select the first button. 5 If necessary, press Page again to find the second button you want to swap. 6 Select the second button. 7 Press Save to swap the button assignments. 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. You cannot use the Swap button to switch softkey assignments. Swap only moves module buttons. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 70 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons Speed Dial Speed dialing uses a programmed button to dial a stored number, and includes special dialing functions such as hunt, one-second pause (Paus), wait for dialtone (DT), and hookflash (Flsh) commands. Include these commands in a speed dial or an index dial string. Speed dial is available in two forms: standard speed dial and index dial. Set up standard speed dial to press a single button to dial telephone number. The index dial feature requires a two-digit index dial code after you press the index dial (Dial) button to dial a telephone number. Set up a speed dial button in one of three ways: LineSpdl: a speed dial that automatically selects a specific line HuntSpdl: a speed dial that selects from a specific group of lines Spdl Dscr: a speed dial that uses any dialtone line (you manually select the line) Use the Quit softkey on any menu where there is a Save softkey to return to the Programming Menu, without saving your change. For example, to exit the Vol Menu without making any changes, press the Quit softkey. Menu Spdl Add Page (if required) Spare button Telephone number Next Line Line LAC Next Descriptor Next Save Quit Create a Speed Dial Button for a Specific Line 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Spdl, then press Add. 3 If necessary, select Page and then select the page number. 4 Select an unassigned button where you want to place the speed dial. The turret prompts Enter Speed Dial number and press Next. 5 Dial the telephone number. 6 Press Next. The turret prompts you to Select LineSpdl, HuntSpdl or Spdl Dscr. 7 Select Line. 8 Type the line LAC/vLAC and press Next. The turret prompts you to Enter new Descriptor. 9 Enter up to an eight-character descriptor and press Next. 10 Press Save to keep your entry. January 2006 Line Buttons 71 11 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Menu Spdl Add Page (if required) Spare button Telephone number Next Speed Dial Type Hunt Group (if required) Descriptor Next Save Quit Create a Speed Dial Button with Hunt 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Spdl, then press Add. 3 If necessary, select Page and then select the page number. 4 Select an unassigned button where you want to place the speed dial. The turret prompts you to Enter Speed Dial number and press Next. 5 Dial the telephone number. 6 Press Next. The turret prompts Select LineSpdl, HuntSpdl or Spdl Dscr. 7 Select Hunt, then select a hunt group if you have multiple groups. The turret prompts you to Enter new Descriptor. 8 Enter up to an eight-character descriptor and press Next. 9 Press Save to keep your entry. 10 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Create a Speed Dial Button without a Specific Line/Hunt 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Spdl, then press Add. 3 If necessary, select Page and then select the page number. 4 Select a spare button where you want to place the speed dial. The turret prompts you to Enter Speed Dial number and press Next. 5 Dial the telephone number. 6 Press Next. The turret prompts Select LineSpdl, HuntSpdl or Spdl Dscr. 7 Select Dscr. The turret prompts you to Enter new Descriptor. 8 Enter up to an eight-character descriptor and press Next. 9 Press Save to keep your entry. 10 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Edit a Speed Dial Number 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Spdl, then press Edit. 3 If necessary, select Page and then select the page number. 4 Select a speed dial button to edit. The turret prompts you to Select number or Hunt or Descriptor. Menu Spdl Add Page (if required) Menu Spare button Spdl Telephone number Edit Next (if required) Page Speed Dial Type Speed Dial Button Dscr Info Descriptor Spdl Next Back Save Next Quit (optional) Hunt Save (optional) Dscr (optional) Back (optional) Descriptor (optional) Next (optional) Save Quit Spdl Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 72 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Use Info for current button information. The turret displays three possible areas to edit: Spdl, Hunt, or Dscr. Press Spdl to edit the number to dial. Use Back and then re-dial the number. Press Next. Press Hunt to change hunt or line access assignments. Press Save. Press Dscr to edit the descriptor. (This does not change line access information). Press Back. Enter up to an eight-character descriptor. Press Next. When you have finished editing these three possible areas, press Save. Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Change the hunt assignment by pressing the Hunt button, or delete the hunt assignment by selecting the line (to assign it using a specific line assignment as a LineSpdl) or Dscr button (for no line or hunt assignment. This is always a manual line selection). Swap Speed Dial Buttons Swapping allows you to exchange the assignments of two speed dial buttons on the Applications or Button Modules and works the same as swapping module buttons. See Swap Lines on Module Buttons on page 69. Add an Index Dial softkey Menu Butn Add location Dial Save Quit Quit This procedure adds a Dial button to the turret. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Butn, then press Add. The turret prompts you to Select a or Page. 3 Select a blank location. 4 Select Dial. 5 Press Save. 6 Press Quit. 7 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. button January 2006 Line Buttons 73 Add an Index Dial Assignment Index dial uses a two-digit code as a storage location for placing outgoing calls on dialtone lines. Your TRID may have up to 20 index dial codes (0019). Include the hunt feature in an index dial so that the index dial automatically selects an available line from a hunt group as part of its dialing out process. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Dial, then press Add. 3 Dial a two-digit index dial code (0019) that is not already in use. 4 Press Next. The turret prompts you to Enter Speed Dial number and press Next. 5 Dial the telephone number you want for the index dial, including any special dialing functions. 6 Press Next. The turret prompts Do you want Index Dial with hunt 7 Select Yes or No and, if you have more than the default hunt group, select a hunt group button to use. 8 Press Save to save your entry. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. View an Index Dial Assignment 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Dial, then press View. 3 Dial the two-digit dial code (0019) of the index dial you want to view. 4 Press Next. 5 If the index code is available for programming, the turret prompts you to Spare Dial Code Enter Dial Code and Next. Either enter another index dial code and press Next, or press Quit. 6 If the code has been assigned, the turret displays Dial Site (0019) . 7 Press Info for hunt information. The turret prompts HuntDial Site or Dial, depending on whether or not the index dial includes hunt. 8 Press Next to view another index dial code, or press Quit. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Menu Dial Add Index dial code Next Telephone number Next Yes/No (to Hunt) Hunt Group (if Yes) Save Quit Menu Dial View Index dial code Next Index dial code Next or Quit Info Next or Quit Quit Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 74 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons Menu Dial Edit Index dial code Next Info Spdl Modify number Next Hunt Yes/No Hunt Group (if Yes) Save Quit Edit an Index Dial Assignment 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Dial, then press Edit. 3 Dial the two-digit index code (0019), then press Next. The turret prompts you to Select Spdl number or Hunt. 4 Use Info to view the current information. 5 Select Spdl to edit the number to dial. The turret displays the current number. 6 Modify the number, using Back to backspace, or other special character buttons, or the dialpad to enter a new number. 7 Press Next when your entry is correct. 8 Select Hunt to change the hunt assignment. The turret prompts Do you want Index Dial with hunt Select Yes or No, and select a hunt group button if Yes. 10 Press Save to save your entry. 11 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. 9 Menu Dial Undo Index dial code Next Info Undo Remove an Index Dial Assignment 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Dial, then press Undo. 3 Dial the two-digit index code (0019) you want to erase, then press Next. 4 Press Info to see the current index dial information. 5 Press Undo to erase the code. Use the Quit softkey on any menu where there is a Save softkey to return to the Menu, without saving your change. For example, to exit the Vol Menu without making any changes press the Quit softkey. Change Line Attributes You can customize attributes for each line. This section outlines all of those attributes and how to change them. January 2006 Line Buttons 75 Change the Signaling on a Private Line Menu Ring Attr Page (if required) Line button Line button (again) Save Quit Traders can manually or automatically signal private lines. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Ring, then press Attr. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the line whose signal you want to change. 4 Select the private line button you want to change. 5 Press the private line button again to toggle between Line ASIG or PRIVATE. Line ASIG sets auto-signal and lights green PRIVATE sets manual ringdown and lights red. Press another private line button to continue setting the signalling attributes for line buttons, or press Page to move to another page. The attributes you assigned are saved when you move to a different page. 7 Press Save when you are finished. 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. 6 Change Priority Status A lines priority status determines the LED indications for the line button. The assigned priority status also affects the ringing sound for incoming calls on that button. Modify ring conditions on a line-by-line basis. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Ring, then press Pri. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the line whose priority you want to change. 4 Press the line button whose priority you want to change. The turret display toggles between high (HiPri) and low (LoPri) priority as you press line buttons, and the LED changes color: green indicates a high priority call and red indicates a low priority call. 5 Set the line buttons status. 6 Press another line button or press Page to move to another page and continue setting the priority for line buttons. Menu Ring Pri Page (if required) Line button Save Quit Quit Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 76 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons Press Save when you are finished with settings on the last page. Press Quit. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. 7 8 Change Ring Status Menu Ring Ring (again) Page (if required) Line button Save Quit Quit Specify any line buttons ring as a normal ring, single ring burst, or no ring. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Ring, then press Ring again. If necessary, press Page to select the page where the line whose ring you want to change resides. 3 Select a line button. 4 Press the line button to toggle among No Ring (red LED), Normal Ring (green LED), and Single Ring Burst (red and green LEDs) until you reach the setting you want. The turret displays the new ring information. 5 Press another line button to continue setting line buttons, or press Page to move to another page. 6 Press Save when you are finished with settings on the last page. 7 Press Quit. 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Change Float/No Float Status Menu Ring Flot Page (if required) Line button Save Quit Quit You may program lines not displayed on the current page to display, or Float, to a button on the Control Module so you never have to search for a ringing line. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Ring, then press a Flot softkey. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the line whose float status you want to change. 4 Press a line button to toggle between Float (green LED) and No Float (red LED). The turret displays the current float status. 5 Press another line button to continue setting line buttons, or press Page to move to another page. 6 Press Save when you are finished with settings on the last page. 7 Press Quit. 8 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. January 2006 Line Buttons 77 Menu Ring CLI Page (if required) Line button Line button (again) Save Quit Quit Change CLI Display Status 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Ring, then CLI. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the line whose CLI display status you want to change. 4 Select a line button. 5 Press the line button again to toggle between the No CLI display (red LED) and CLI display (green LED). The turret displays the current CLI display status. 6 Press another line button to continue setting line buttons, or press Page to move to another page. 7 Press Save when you are finished with settings on the last page. 8 Press Quit. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Change a Line Buttons Centerline Display 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Ring, then CLI. 3 If necessary, press Page to select the page of the line whose CLI display status you want to change. 4 Select a line button. 5 Press the Nm/ button to toggle between Name display (red LED) and Number display (green LED). The turret displays current CLI status. 6 Press another line button to continue setting line buttons, or press Page to move to another page. 7 Press Save when you are finished with settings on the last page. 8 Press Quit. 9 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. For more information about using CLI, see CLI/Caller ID on page 42. CLI information may display on line buttons or Float Keys, depending on how your Alliance MX System is configured. See your System Administrator for details. Menu Ring CLI Page (if required) Line button Nm/ button Save Quit Quit Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 78 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons Add a Distinctive Ringing Sound There are multiple ring sounds (combinations of ring pitch and pattern) you may assign to each line priority type. The selected ring sound is applied to all lines that are assigned that priority status or feature function. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Ring, then press Ptch. 3 Select the ring condition to change: high priority calls (HiPri), low priority calls (LoPri), internal calls (INTA), or messages (Mesg). Ring pattern types (17, continuous, and off) display on the Control Module. The green LED indicates the currently programmed ring type. 4 Press each button to hear a sample of its ring sound. The red LED indicates the last ring type sampled. 5 Press Save to store the last ring sound sampled as the ring condition of the call type you selected (HiPri, LoPri, INTA, or Mesg). 6 Press Quit. 7 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Menu Ring Ptch Ring condition Save Quit Quit Modify priority settings on a line-by-line basis. Set up the Hold Recall Timer Program your turret so that any line you place on hold provides a recall signal after a specified period of time. 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Hrct. The display shows the existing hold recall timer value. 3 Press Tm (up) or Tm (down) to change the setting of the recall timer interval (hold recall off, 30 seconds, 1 minute, or 2 minutes). The centerline shows the new timer value. 4 Press Save to save the new hold recall timer setting. 5 Press Quit. 6 Press Quit to exit the Menu and return to normal turret operation. Menu Hrct Tm (up or down) Save Quit Quit January 2006 Line Buttons 79 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 80 Chapter 4: Program Module Buttons Line Buttons January 2006 Chapter 5: Broadcast Functions 81 5 Broadcast Functions Broadcast features such as Conference and Simplex are covered in this chapter. In This Chapter Broadcast Function Types. 82 Broadcast Groups. 82 Conference Broadcasting. 82 Add a Conference Broadcast Group. 83 Edit a Conference Broadcast Group. 83 Send a Conference Broadcast. 84 Simplex Broadcasting. 84 Add a Simplex Broadcast Group. 85 Edit a Simplex Broadcast Group. 86 Send a Simplex Broadcast. 87 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 82 Chapter 5: Broadcast Functions Broadcast Groups Broadcast Function Types The IQMX IP turret provides three types of broadcast functions: Internal, Conference, and Simplex. Internal Broadcasting uses the Intercom to contact specific groups of traders or all the traders in your system at once. See Direct Intercom on page 50 for details on placing internal group calls and All Calls. This section of the manual outlines the Conference and Simplex types of broadcasting, which allow you to group private and/or dialtone lines to simultaneously contact multiple parties outside the Alliance MX System. Broadcast Groups Before either conference or simplex broadcasting can work on your turret, you must set up broadcast groups: All lines in a conference broadcast group must be from the same site. To include all lines from a remote site in your broadcast group, you must program a remote line button to the turret before creating the broadcast group. If possible, keep simplex broadcast group buttons (up to four) on the same page of the turret. You cannot include speed dials with lines when creating a normal or simplex broadcast group. Conference Broadcasting Conference broadcasting lets you broadcast over private and dialtone lines and it provides a connection so the parties (up to a limit of 5 lines) you reach can talk back to you and each other while the call is active. All lines that are part of the broadcast group must be at the same site. The lines in a Conference Broadcast may be at a remote MX site and all the lines must be from the same MX site. The lines in the list may be all local lines or all from the same remote MX site. A mix of local and remote lines is not allowed. A mix of lines from multiple remote MX sites is not allowed. January 2006 Conference Broadcasting 83 Use the Quit softkey on any menu where there is a Save softkey to return to the Programming Menu, without saving your change. For example, to exit the Vol Menu without making any changes, press the Quit softkey. Add a Conference Broadcast Group Menu Bcst Conf Add Page (if required) Spare button Dscr Next Free button Page (if required) Save Quit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Menu Bcst Conf Edit Page (if required) Broadcast button Bcst Line Dscr Description Next Save Quit Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Press Bcst. Turret displays, Select Type Of Broadcast. The two options are: Splx (simplex) and Conf (Conference). Press Conf. Press Add and select a spare button. (If necessary, press Page and select the page number where the spare button you want to use resides.) Press Dscr and enter up to an eight-character descriptor. Press Next to continue. Five free buttons are provided as placeholders for lines. For a line networked system, select a site (if change is needed). Press the first Free button. The line buttons that correspond to the groups site now display for selection. Press the line button you want to add to the group. Press the next Free button to add another private or dialtone line (no duplicates allowed). (If necessary, press Page and select the page number where the next free button you want to use resides.) Press Save to keep your settings. Press Quit to exit Menu and return to normal turret operation. Edit a Conference Broadcast Group 1 2 3 4 5 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Press Bcst. Turret displays, Select Type Of Broadcast. The two options are: Splx (simplex) and Conf (Conference). Press Conf. Press Edit. If necessary, press Page and enter the page number of the button you want to edit. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 84 Chapter 5: Broadcast Functions Simplex Broadcasting 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Select the programmed conference broadcast button you want to edit. Press your Bcst button. The turret prompts Select button entry to change. Press Page and enter the page number where a private or dialtone line is located and then select that line. Press Dscr, and enter an eight-character description. For a line networked system, select a site (if change is needed). Press Next. Press Save to keep your settings. Press Quit to exit Menu and return to normal turret operation. Send a Conference Broadcast Broadcast button Release Select a handset/talkpath. 2 Press your pre-programmed, customized broadcast button. Each line in the group lights to indicate you are connected and may begin speaking. The connected parties may also respond. 3 Press the Release button for the selected handset/talkpath when you are finished with the conference broadcast. 1 Simplex Broadcasting Simplex broadcasting allows you to seize and broadcast over multiple groups of private and dialtone lines, up to a limit of 24 lines. Simplex broadcasts are one way only that is, the lines to which you broadcast a message can hear you but cannot answer back. The figure below outlines the hierarchy of a simplex broadcast. The lines in a Simplex Broadcast may be at a remote MX site but all the lines must be from the same MX site. The lines may be all local lines or all from the same remote MX site. A mix of local and remote lines is not allowed. A mix of lines from multiple remote MX sites is not allowed. January 2006 Simplex Broadcasting 85 Figure 5-1: Diagram of a 24 Party Broadcast 24 Party Broadcast Bcst Main Bcst Lnk1 Bcst Lnk2 Bcst Lnk3 Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 Line 5 Line 6 Line 7 Line 8 Line 9 Line 10 Line 11 Line 12 Line 13 Line 14 Line 15 Line 16 Line 17 Line 18 Line 19 Line 20 Line 21 Line 22 Line 23 Line 24 Menu Bcst Splx Add Free button Page (if required) Free button Dscr Back descriptor Next Site (optional) Free button Add Line button Page (if required) Save (or Quit) Line or Free button Save Quit The first group, Bcst Main, contains up to six lines. Each linked group, thereafter, also contains up to six lines. You do not have to program all 24 lines to have a simplex broadcast you may program two lines in one link, six in another, four in another, etc. Simplex broadcasting works sequentially. In the illustration above, the Bcst Main button connects you to all linked lines up to a total of 24. But Bcst Link1 connects you only to lines 7 through 24, and leaves out 1 through 6. Then Bcst Link2 connects you to lines 13 through 24, and Bcst Link3 connects you to the last six lines: 19 through 24. Add a Simplex Broadcast Group Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press Bcst. 3 Press Splx for simplex broadcast. 4 Press Add. 1 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 86 Chapter 5: Broadcast Functions Simplex Broadcasting 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Select an open button. (If necessary, first press Page and the page number where the spare button you want to use resides.) Press Dscr. Press Back to erase the default name, BcstMain. Enter up to an eight-character label descriptor. Press Next to continue. Six blank buttons are provided as placeholders for lines. For a line networked system, select a site (if change is needed). Press the first open button, then press Add. Press the line button you want to add to the group. (If necessary, first press Page and the page number of the line button you want to use.) a Press Open to add another private or dialtone line (no duplicates). b Press More to continue adding group buttons. Press Save to keep your settings. Turret displays, Please wait, updating data. Press Quit to exit Menu and return to normal turret operation. Edit a Simplex Broadcast Group Menu Bcst Splx Edit Page (if required) Simplex Broadcast button Line button Page Free or Dscr Descriptor Next Save Quit 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Press Bcst. Press Splx. Press Edit. If required, press Page and then select the page number. Press the programmed simplex broadcast button you want to edit. The turret prompts, Select button entry to change. Select the line button to change, or press Free to add a line (if free buttons are available). Press Page and select the page number of a private or dialtone line, then select a private or dialtone line. Press Free to add another private or dialtone line (no duplicates), or press Dscr and enter up to an eight-character descriptor. Press Next. Press Save to save your entry. Press Quit to exit Menu and return to normal turret operation. January 2006 Simplex Broadcasting 87 Send a Simplex Broadcast Simplex Broadcast button Release Select a handset/talkpath. Press one of your pre-programmed, customized simplex broadcast buttons in the sequence you want. Each line in the simplex groups you selected lights to indicate you are connected and may begin speaking. 3 Press the Release button for the selected handset/talkpath when you are finished with the simplex broadcast. 1 2 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 88 Chapter 5: Broadcast Functions Simplex Broadcasting January 2006 Chapter 6: Speakers 89 6 Speakers Speaker button management is covered in this chapter. In This Chapter Speaker Modules. 90 Channel Toggle Switches. 90 Speaker LEDs. 91 Speaker 4. 91 Applications Module Speaker Buttons. 91 Button Module. 91 ClearDeal. 91 Mute Settings. 91 Speaker Functions. 92 Speak on One Channel with Push-to-Talk. 92 Blocking Tone. 93 Speak on One Channel with Latching. 93 Assign Lines to Speaker Channels. 94 Assign a Line to a Speaker Channel with SPKV. 94 Assign a Line to a Speaker Channel with SPKR. 94 Remove a Line from a Speaker. 95 View Speaker Line Assignments. 95 Move a Call from Handset to Speaker. 95 Move a Call from Speaker to Handset. 96 Talkback Groups. 96 Program Speaker Channels into Talkback Groups. 96 Speak to a Talkback Group. 96 Change Speaker Volume. 97 Monitor Incoming Broadcasts. 97 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 90 Chapter 6: Speakers Channel Toggle Switches Speaker Modules IQMX speaker modules are equipped with a microphone and four speaker channels, each having its own microphone toggle switch and volume control. Regardless of the number of multiple speaker modules in your station you are allowed a maximum of 24 configurable channels. Digital speakers allow you to: Assign any line from your turret to a channel on the Applications, Button or Speaker Modules. Move calls between a handset/talkpath and a speaker channel. Set up speaker channels in talkback groups. The Master module is the first module (Applications or Button) connected to the Control Module. The first eight speaker channels display across the bottom and use the attached cube speakers. If you have only a Control Module with 4-Channel Speaker Modules, you must program talkback group softkeys on your Control Module. Channel Toggle Switches The microphone toggle switches (located at the bottom of the Button Module) for each speaker channel have three positions: Up Center Down Latches the channel in the on position until you manually move it back to the center off position. Turns the speaker channel off. Latches the call momentarily until you release the switch, which then returns to the center off position. This momentary latching and releasing is commonly called push-to-talk. Figure 6-1: Channel Toggle Switches Diagram January 2006 Speaker LEDs 91 Speaker LEDs Speaker 4 Left LED Green when active. Right LED Green when in talk back mode. Red when there is voice activity. Applications Module Speaker Buttons Left LED Green when active. Right LED Green/Yellow when in talk back mode. Red when there is voice activity. Button Module Left LED Green when active. Right LED Green when in talk back mode. Red when there is voice activity. ClearDeal At the top Green when active. Left LED Red when there is voice activity. Right LED Green when in talk back mode. Mute Settings The System Administrator sets turrets with Speaker Modules to use one of three different mute settings. See, Table 6-1: Mute Settings on page 91and Table 6-2: Muting Features on page 92. Table 6-1: Mute Settings Feature No mute Local mute Description Your microphone transmits over all speakers in the system, including your own, and allows call recording. Your microphone transmits over all speakers except your own, which is muted. These calls are not recorded. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 92 Chapter 6: Speakers Speaker Functions Table 6-1: Mute Settings (continued) Feature Description Global mute Also called Mute All, this setting mutes all speakers in the system except your own when you use the push-to-talk (PTT) buttons on the speakers however, the speaker does get muted if you use the handset/talkpath. Muting affects the entire turret, not individual speaker channels. Table 6-2: Muting Features Mute Setting No Mute Local Mute Global Mute Location Handset your speaker other speakers your speaker other speakers your speaker other speakers Not Muted Not Muted Muted Not Muted Muted Muted How Line is Accessed PTT Not Muted Not Muted Muted Not Muted Not Muted Muted Hoot PTT Not Muted Not Muted Muted Not Muted Not Muted Muted Speaker Functions Speak on One Channel with Push-to-Talk Volume control Channel toggle switch Make sure the speaker volume control is on for the speaker channel you want to use. 2 Press and hold down push-to-talk button to talk. 3 Speak into your microphone. 4 Release the push-to-talk button when finished. 1 January 2006 Speaker Functions 93 Blocking Tone If the trader option for blocking tone is enabled when a trader presses Push-to-Talk (PTT) on a single talkback channel that is globally muted, the green PTT LED does not light, and the blocking tone plays. If a trader has PTT latched on a single, globally muted talkback channel, the green LED turns off and the blocking tone plays. If the channel is still latched when the handset/talkpath or HFM with global mute leaves the call, the green LED turns back on. With PTT latched, you hear the blocking tone every time the channel is muted. When group talkback is pressed and any one of the lines is globally muted, the tone plays once. The green LED for the muted channels does not light. If group talkback is latched and any of the lines are then globally muted, the tone plays and the green LED turns off for the speaker channel associated with that line. If group talkback is still latched when the handset/talkpath or HFM with global mute leaves the line call, the green LED lights for the speaker channel associated with that line. This feature only applies when the global mute is set by a handset/talkpath or HFM joining a line call with speakers. If a speaker with global mute joins a speaker call and presses PTT, the other speakers are muted. Then, if another trader presses PTT, the far end and any other speakers that are in talkback hear him and no tone plays. On a channel with a Globally Muted handset/talkpath or HFM, the green LED does not light when you press push-to-talk. Systems with Blocking Tone enabled get an audio cue alerting them their comments werent delivered, in addition to the visual cue of the green LED not lighting. Speak on One Channel with Latching Channel toggle switch Flip a toggle switch up to talk. 2 Speak into your microphone. 3 Flip the toggle switch to center to disconnect the microphone from that line. 1 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 94 Chapter 6: Speakers Speaker Functions Assign Lines to Speaker Channels Speaker View (SPKV) and Speaker (SPKR) are features that allow you to view, add, and edit speaker line assignments. SPKV allows you to program all the speakers at one time and is usually programmed as a softkey on the Control Module. See Add Features to softkeys on page 61. SPKR programs a specific speaker when you enter its two-digit number and is programmed as a module button. See Module Buttons on page 62. Assign a Line to a Speaker Channel with SPKV Menu SPKV Descriptor or Open Add Page (if required) Line button Quit Quit Use the following steps to assign a line to a speaker channel: 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press SPKV. 3 Press a speaker channels descriptor to change an existing line assignment or select Open to make a line assignment to an unassigned speaker channel. That buttons red LED lights. 4 Press Add. If you want to assign a line to a speaker channel not shown on the current page, press Page and the page number of the line you want. 5 Press the line button you want assigned to the speaker channel. Identify lines assigned to the hoot buttons on the speaker as part of the hoot pool. Menu Speaker Knob on SPKR Page (if required) Line button Speaker Number Continue assigning lines using steps 35 as applicable. 7 Press Quit, and press Quit again to exit the Menu. The Speaker Module displays the red LED over a push-to-talk button only when someone is broadcasting through the speaker. 6 Assign a Line to a Speaker Channel with SPKR 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Verify that the speaker knob is on. 3 Press SPKR. The turret prompts Enter line or . 4 If necessary, press Page to locate the button you want to assign. 5 Press a line button. (The LEDs remain off.) January 2006 Speaker Functions 95 6 Dial the two-digit speaker number (for example, 01, 02, or 13) to which you want to assign this line. The line is assigned to the bottom row push-to-talk button corresponding to the speaker (0132). The LEDs on the Speaker Module light as soon as it is assigned. Menu SPKV Descriptor Undo Quit Quit Remove a Line from a Speaker Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press SPKV. 3 Select the descriptor of the line you want to remove. 4 Press Undo to remove the line assignment. The descriptor changes to Open and the green LED turns off. 5 Press Quit and Quit again to exit the Menu. 1 Menu SPKV More Quit View Speaker Line Assignments 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press SPKV to display speaker types and assignments. Any unassigned speaker buttons display Open. 3 Use More to view speakers 916, 1724, and 2532 if you have more than one Speaker Module in your turret. 4 Press Quit when you are finished viewing speaker assignments. Move a Call from Handset to Speaker Menu SPKV More (if applicable) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Descriptor Add Hset Quit Quit Release or Open Press the Menu button to open the Menu. Press SPKV. The turret displays either the button descriptor or Open for speaker channels 18. Use More to select speakers 916, 1724, and 2532. Select the buttons descriptor or Open on a speaker channel you are not using, That buttons red LED lights. Press Add. The speaker channel buttons red LED goes out. Press Hset. The call from the handset/talkpath is switched over to the selected speaker channel. Press Quit, and press Quit again to exit the programming mode. If mute is set, press the handset/talkpaths Release button to put the calls audio on the speaker. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 96 Chapter 6: Speakers Speaker Functions Move a Call from Speaker to Handset Select Handset Line Button Release Select the handset/talkpath. Press the line button on the turret to move the call to the handset/talkpath. 3 Press the Release button for the selected handset/talkpath to return the line to the assigned speaker. 1 2 Talkback Groups Talkback groups allow you to group lines on speaker channels so you can open multiple speaker channels with one toggle switch. If you have an Applications or Button module, use the hard keys on the front of those modules. Otherwise, the GRP1 and GRP2 buttons must be programmed on the Control module. Menu SpGr GRP1 G1 Save Program Speaker Channels into Talkback Groups 1 Press the Menu button to open the Menu. 2 Press SpGr to open the Speaker Programming function. 3 Press GRP1 to add speakers to group 1. The current speaker assignments show G1 for all speakers assigned to group 1. 4 Press the speaker channel push-to-talk buttons to toggle speaker channels in and out of the group. 5 Press GRP2 to program speakers in group 2. The current speaker assignments show G2 for all speakers assigned to group 2. 6 Press the speaker channel push-to-talk buttons to toggle speaker channels in and out of the group. 7 Press Save to save your change. Speak to a Talkback Group Press GRP1 or GRP2. The green LEDs for that GRP button and any speaker channels assigned to that group light. You are connected to all of the lines in that grouping. For an Applications or Button Module, use the hardkeys on the module. If you dont have one of those modules, GRP1 and GRP2 buttons must be programmed on the Control Module. GRP1 or GRP2 1 January 2006 Speaker Functions 97 2 3 Speak into your microphone. Press GRP1 or GRP2 again to disconnect the latched group. The green LEDs go out. Manually select any combination of lines to create a grouping of lines, regardless of group programming, by pressing their line buttons simultaneously. Remember that latched lines activate latching with the first button operation and deactivate latching with the second operation of the button. Change Speaker Volume Initially, set the Master Volume Control to the 12 oclock position, which is approximately 30 of maximum volume. 2 Set the volume for each speaker channel independently, using its own volume control knob. Turning clockwise increases the volume level. The highest setting is located at approximately the 7 oclock position. 1 Monitor Incoming Broadcasts Use the master volume control to raise or lower the volume mix of all lines simultaneously, then adjust individual volume control knobs as needed. You may temporarily remove a speaker (and its assigned line) from active use. Click the individual volume knobs into the OFF position and the line associated with that speaker is dropped. To re-activate the assigned line, turn the individual speaker volume knob to the ON position, and set the volume to the desired level. The assigned line becomes active again. You do not have to reprogram the line assignment. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 98 Chapter 6: Speakers Speaker Functions January 2006 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications 99 7 The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications This chapter covers the basics of Applications Module and TraderVision integration. For further information on TraderVision features refer to the TraderVision User Guide and TradeCentral Installation and Maintenance Manual. In This Chapter Applications Module User Interface Overview. 101 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module. 102 Power Up. 102 Log On. 102 Log Off. 104 Lock. 105 Unlock the Station. 105 Sleep Mode. 105 Limitations. 107 Exit Sleep Mode. 107 Switch to Button Mode. 107 Pagination for a Control and Applications Module. 107 Change Pages in Button Mode. 107 Change Pages While Applications are Running. 108 Pagination for a Control, Button, and Applications Module. 111 Change Pages in Button Mode. 111 Change Pages While Applications are Running. 111 Pagination with Fixed Rows. 113 Pagination for a Control and Applications Module. 113 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 100 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Pagination for a Control, Button, and Applications Module. 118 January 2006 101 Applications Module User Interface Overview The Applications Module (ApM) is attached to the IQMX Control Module (the main turret device), and it is the Applications Modules user interface that gives the traders access to the Trade Central applications. The ApM can be configured to display applications only, buttons only, or both applications and buttons. If it is configured to display buttons only, up to 30 paginating virtual buttons are displayed. The Application Manager interface includes An Application Area that contains the applications currently in use. Tabs that you can tap to open drawers. Drawers that contain application shortcuts. Speaker Indicators that indicate the status of the corresponding speaker line (using text and virtual LEDs). Tap the appropriate tab to open a drawer and access the application icons. Figure 7-1: Button Mode Tabs Speaker Indicators (LEDs) For more details, click the Help tab. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 102 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Power Up The Applications Module (ApM) is powered up when the IQMX station is powered up. Log On The ApM logs on when the IQMX station is logged on. If the ApM is configured for Trader Buttons, the ApM displays in Button Mode. If Trader Buttons are not configured, the ApM launches the default application. The System Administrator configures the default at the TCS (Trade Central Server). TraderVision is one specific application of TradeCentral. Other applications include Call List and Date/Time. Note the tabs at the right of the touch-sensitive screen (Figure 7-2: Applications Module in Button Mode), which allow you to open Drawers and go to other applications. Refer to Figure 1-4: Alliance IQMX Applications Module Diagram for more details about the buttons and switches on the front of the Applications Module. January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 103 Figure 7-2: Applications Module in Button Mode Ext 1031 Ext 1037 Ext 1043 Ext 1049 Ext 1055 1 Ext 1032 Ext 1038 Ext 1044 Ext 1050 Ext 1056 2 Ext 1033 Ext 1039 Ext 1045 Ext 1051 Ext 1057 3 Ext 1034 Ext 1040 Ext 1046 Ext 1052 Ext 1058 4 Ext 1035 Ext 1041 Ext 1047 Ext 1053 Ext 1059 5 Ext 1036 Ext 1042 Ext 1048 Ext 1054 Ext 1060 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Tabs 24 19 20 21 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr Spkr 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 G1 G2 Figure 7-2 shows an example of an open drawer after the Calls tab is selected. The drawer contains shortcuts to applications. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 104 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-3: Open Drawer Tab Shortcuts Tabs Open Drawer Log Off When the IQMX station is logged off, the following message displays on the Applications Module Station is not logged on. To Log on, please press Menu Logn Logn on the Control Module, then enter and save your TRID number and Password information. Audio is disabled when the station is logged off. January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 105 Lock When the IQMX station is locked via the Control Module, the ApM displays, Station is locked. To unlock, please press Unlk on the Control Module, then enter and save your TRID number and password information. Application audio is no longer present when the station is locked. When the station is unlocked, the volume level is remembered as well as the last running application. Unlock the Station When an IQMX station is unlocked, the last active application (for example, Trader Buttons or TraderVision) displays. 1 Press Unlk on the Control Module. Enter trader ID: is prompted on the centerline. 2 Enter your TRID and press Save. Enter Password: is prompted on the centerline. 3 Enter your Password and press Save. The station (including the ApM) is now unlocked and fully functional. Unlk TRID Save Password Save Sleep Mode This feature causes a station to transition into Sleep Mode, after a specified period of inactivity. Inactivity is defined as absence of the following: Any hard key, button, or soft key selection - the press or release of any key, including dialpad keys. Turning the HFM volume knob On/Off. Turning any speaker volume knob On/Off. Pressing any speaker talkback lever down or releasing any speaker talkback lever that was being held down. Physically latching or unlatching any speaker talkback lever. Falls asleep: A station/module transitions into Sleep Mode. Asleep or sleeping: A station/module is in Sleep Mode. Terms used in this section are: Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 106 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Wakes up: A station/module transitions out of Sleep Mode. Awake: A station/module is not in Sleep Mode. All non-Applications Modules of a station transition into Sleep Mode at the same time, in accordance with the guidelines outlined above. An ApM that is in Button Mode (Trader Buttons) transitions into Sleep Mode at the same time as the other modules of a station. If an ApM is in Applications Mode, the current application decides when it should transition into Sleep Mode. An ApM in Applications mode may not be in Sleep Mode while the other station modules are in Sleep Mode. But an ApM in Applications mode cannot be in Sleep Mode if the other station modules are not in Sleep Mode. Thus if all the modules at a station are in Sleep Mode, the ApM in Applications mode may wake up without waking up the other station modules, but if the other station modules wake up, the ApM in Applications mode also will wake up. At a station where all the modules are in Sleep Mode, the following occurs: At a Control Module, Button Module, or a SPKR4 module: The backlighting of the display is turned off. However the button/softkey labels may be dimly visible. The LEDs associated with hardkeys, buttons, and softkeys will continue to light. At an ApM: The display is turned off. At an ApM there are only simulated LEDs, which do not light when in Sleep Mode. A station that is not in Sleep Mode transitions into Sleep Mode after a specified period of inactivity, even if any of the following are true: There is an active Line, Internal or Intercom call on a handset/talkpath or HFM. The HFM microphone is transmitting in an active call. The HFM is receiving audio in an active call. A SpeakerLine call is active. The speaker microphone is transmitting audio in an active SpeakerLine call. Audio is being received in an active SpeakerLine call. If a station is in Sleep Mode, none of the above will cause it to transition out of Sleep Mode. If a station is in Sleep Mode, an incoming Internal Call or an incoming Intercom call or an Incoming line will cause it to transition out of Sleep Mode. January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 107 Any intersection of station condition and events that causes a station to wake up, would also prevent a station from falling asleep as long as that intersection of station condition and events exists. Limitations If an ApM is in Applications Mode, the current application decides when it should transition into Sleep Mode. At a station with an Applications Module that is designated for Buttons and Applications use, this could cause a condition where a station is half-asleep. At such a station, if the ApM is in Applications Mode, the ApM may not be sleeping while the other modules are. Now if the ApM is switched to button mode, it will still be awake and displays buttons while the other modules of the station continue sleeping. Exit Sleep Mode Tap anywhere on the ApM Screen to wake the Applications Module. Press any button to wake the remainder of the station. Switch to Button Mode To switch from Applications Mode to Trader Buttons (Button Mode), tap the Trader Buttons Icon on the Calls tab. Closing an application also turns off audio from that application. If Trader Buttons are not enabled, then the Switch to Button Mode Icon is not displayed. Pagination for a Control and Applications Module Change Pages in Button Mode While the ApM is in Button Mode (Trader Buttons), the buttons on the Control and Applications Modules are treated as one page. Module Buttons 130 display on the Control Module and 3160 display on the ApM. When page up is pressed, buttons 6190 display on the Control Module and 91120 display on the ApM. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 108 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Change Pages While Applications are Running While the ApM is running applications, buttons 130 display on the Control Module. When page up is pressed, buttons 3160 display on the Control Module. If at this time you switch back to Button Mode, buttons 130 display on the Control Module and 3160 are now displayed on the ApM. On the IQMX, the bottom row of buttons on the Control Module are Control softkeys, and are always fixed. These are not included in the numbering shown in the following illustrations (they are actually numbered from C11C20). In the drawings on the following pages The left side of the drawing represents pagination when the ApM is in the Button Mode. The right side of the drawing represents pagination when the ApM is in the Applications Mode. Arrows pointing from left to right indicate turning off Trader Buttons (Button Mode) and starting an application, such as TraderVision, on the ApM. Arrows pointing from right to left indicate turning on Trader Buttons (Button Mode) and turning off an application, such as TraderVision, on the ApM. Button numbers indicate the numbers of the Module Buttons. On the IQMX, the bottom row of buttons on the Control Module are Control softkeys, and are always fixed. These are not included in the numbering shown in the following illustrations (they are actually numbered from C11C20). Thus, Fixed 0 and Fixed 10 buttons are the same configuration, these refer to C11C20 being fixed and no Module Buttons being fixed. Fixed 20 is the first setting that fixes Module buttons: it fixes Module Buttons 01 through 10. Button numbers that are described as Fixed or None Paginate are unavailable for pagination. Button numbers that are described as Paginate are available for pagination. January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 109 You can only fix buttons on the Control Module plus one Button Module. You cannot fix buttons on a second Button Module nor on an ApM. If you have a second Button Module or an ApM that is configured to always display Trader Buttons and that does not have access to applications, all the buttons on the Control Module and the first Button Module can be fixed. This configuration is Fixed 70 and is not shown in the following illustrations. For Fixed 70, pagination happens on the second Button Module or the ApM that has permanent Trader Buttons. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 110 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-4: Control Module Applications Module Paging Concept Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 0130 No Paginate Buttons PG 01 Apps Control Module Apps Module 0130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Page Up Control Module Turn on Button Mode Buttons 3160 APa01 Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Page Up Page Down Page Up Control Module Buttons 6190 PG 02 Page Up Control Module Buttons 91120 APa02 Start Application Control Module Buttons 6190 PG 02 Apps Module Buttons 91120 PG 02 Turn on Button Mode January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 111 Pagination for a Control, Button, and Applications Module Change Pages in Button Mode While the ApM is in Button Mode, the buttons on the Control, Button, and Applications Modules are treated as one page. Buttons 130 display on the Control Module, 3160 display on the Button Module, and 6190 on the ApM. When page up is pressed, buttons 91120 display on the Control Module, 121150 on the Button Module, and 151180 display on the ApM. On the IQMX, the bottom row of buttons on the Control Module are Control softkeys, and are always fixed. These are not included in the numbering shown in the following illustrations (they are actually numbered from C11C20). Change Pages While Applications are Running While the applications are running on the ApM, buttons 130 display on the Control Module and 3160 display on the Button Module. When page up is pressed, the ApM buttons, numbers 6190, display on the Control Module and the Button Module is blank. If at this time you return to Button Mode, buttons 6190 display on the ApM, buttons 130 display on the Control Module, and 3160 display on the Button Module. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 112 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-5: Control Module Button Module Applications Module Paging Concept Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Buttons Blank APa01 Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 0130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 Page Up Control Module PG 01 Control Module Button Module Apps Module Buttons 6190 PG 01 0130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Turn on Button Mode Page Up Page Down Start Application Buttons 6190 APa01 Page Up Control Module Buttons Buttons No 91120 121150 Buttons PG 02 Page Up Control Module Button Module PG 02 Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Control Module Button Module Apps Module Buttons Buttons Buttons 91120 121150 151180 PG 02 PG 02 PG 02 Buttons Buttons 151180 Blank Turn on Button Mode APa02 APa02 January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 113 Pagination with Fixed Rows Alliance MX supports fixed rows, which are rows that maintain the same assignment throughout the paging sequence. There can be no fixed buttons on the ApM. Before Alliance MX, at least one module paginated. Beginning with Alliance MX, there is at least one row that paginates. The IQMX turret lets you use 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, or 70 fixed buttons. 40 fixed buttons requires a Button Module or an ApM that is set to always display Trader Buttons and upon which no applications can be used, as well as the Control Module. 5060 fixed buttons requires a Button Module, as well as the Control Module. 70 fixed buttons requires two Button Modules, as well as the Control Module, or a Control Module, a Button Module, and an ApM that is set to always display Trader Buttons and upon which no applications can be used. There are several examples of fixed-row configurations in this section, but not all possible configurations are covered. However, the examples should help you understand fixed-row configurations that are not represented. On the IQMX, the bottom row of buttons on the Control Module are Control softkeys, and are always fixed. These are not included in the numbering shown in the following illustrations (they are actually numbered from C11C20). Pagination for a Control and Applications Module Fixed 0 or 10 buttons provides 30 buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, all of the Trader Buttons can display on the Control Module at one time. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 114 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-6: Fixed 0 or 10: Control Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 0130 No Paginate Buttons PG 01 Apps Control Module Apps Module 0130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Page Up Control Module Turn on Button Mode Buttons 3160 APa01 Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Page Up Page Down Page Up Control Module Buttons 6190 PG 02 Page Up Control Module Buttons 91120 APa02 Start Application Control Module Buttons 6190 PG 02 Apps Module Buttons 91120 PG 02 Turn on Button Mode January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 115 Fixed 20 buttons provides only 20 buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, only 20 Trader Buttons can display on the Control Module at one time, so these display on page APa01. To see the remaining 10 Trader Buttons, you must press Page Down again to see page APb01. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 116 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-7: Fixed 20: Control Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 1130 No Paginate Buttons PG 01 Apps Control Module Apps Module 1130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Page Up Control Module Turn on Button Mode Buttons 3150 APa01 Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Page Up Page Down Page Up Control Module Buttons 5160 Control Module Buttons 6180 PG 02 Apps Module Buttons 81110 PG 02 Start Application APb01 Pg Up Control Module Buttons 6180 PG 02 Turn on Button Mode January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 117 Figure 7-8: Fixed 30: Control Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 2130 No Paginate Buttons PG 01 Apps Control Module Apps Module 2130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Page Up Control Module Turn on Button Mode Buttons 3140 APa01 Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Page Up Page Down Page Up Control Module Buttons 4150 APb01 Pg Up Control Module Buttons 5160 APc01 Pg Up Control Module Buttons 6170 PG 02 Apps Module Buttons 71100 PG 02 Start Application Control Module Buttons 6170 Turn on Button Mode PG 02 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 118 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Fixed 30 buttons provides only 10 buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, only 10 Trader Buttons can display on the Control Module at one time, so these display on page APa01. To see the remaining 10 Trader Buttons, you must press Page Down again to see page APb01 and Page Down a third time to see the remaining 10 buttons on page APc01. Pagination for a Control, Button, and Applications Module If you have a Control Module and a Button Module, as well as an ApM, when you start an application, Trader Buttons can be displayed on the Control Module and/or the Button Module, depending on how many rows are fixed. Fixed 0 or 10 buttons provides 30 buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, all 30 Trader Buttons display on the Control Module at one time, and the Button Module is blank. Fixed 20 buttons provides only 20 buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, only 20 Trader Buttons can display on the Control Module at one time, so the remaining 10 display on the Button Module. Fixed 30 buttons provides only 10 buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, only 10 Trader Buttons can display on the Control Module at one time, so the remaining 20 display on the Button Module. Fixed 40 buttons provides no buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, all 30 Trader Buttons display on the Button Module. Fixed 50 buttons provides only 20 buttons on the Control Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, the first 20 Trader Buttons display on the Button Module on page APa01. To see the remaining 10 Trader Buttons, press Page Down to see page APb01. Fixed 60 buttons provides only 10 buttons on the Button Module that can paginate. So, when you start an application and page down, the first 10 Trader Buttons display on the Button Module on page APa01. To see the remaining Trader Buttons, you must press Page Down to see pages APb01 then APc01. January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 119 Figure 7-9: Fixed 0 or 10: Control Module Button Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Buttons Blank APa01 Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 0130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 Page Up Control Module PG 01 Control Module Button Module Apps Module Buttons 6190 PG 01 0130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Turn on Button Mode Page Up Page Down Start Application Buttons 6190 APa01 Page Up Control Module Buttons Buttons No 91120 121150 Buttons PG 02 Page Up Control Module Button Module PG 02 Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Control Module Button Module Apps Module Buttons Buttons Buttons 91120 121150 151180 PG 02 PG 02 PG 02 Buttons Buttons 151180 Blank Turn on Button Mode APa02 APa02 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 120 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-10: Fixed 20: Control Module Button Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Buttons 8190 APa01 Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Buttons 111140 PG 02 Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 1130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 Page Up Control Module PG 01 Control Module Button Module Apps Module Buttons 6190 PG 01 1130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Turn on Button Mode Page Up Page Down Start Application Buttons 6180 APa01 Page Up Control Module Buttons 91110 PG 02 Page Up Control Module Control Module Buttons 91110 PG 02 Button Module Apps Module Buttons Buttons 111140 141170 PG 02 PG 02 Buttons Buttons No 141160 161170 Buttons Turn on Button Mode APa02 APa02 Apps January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 121 Figure 7-11: Fixed 30: Control Module Button Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Buttons 7190 APa01 Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 2130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 Page Up Control Module PG 01 Control Module Button Module Apps Module Buttons 6190 PG 01 2130 Buttons Paginate 3160 PG 01 PG 01 Turn on Button Mode Page Up Page Down Start Application Buttons 6170 APa01 Page Up Control Module Buttons Buttons No 91100 101130 Buttons PG 02 Page Up Control Module Button Module PG 02 Apps Page Down Apps Module PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Control Module Button Module Apps Module Buttons Buttons Buttons 91100 101130 131160 PG 02 PG 02 PG 02 Buttons Buttons No 131140 141160 Buttons Turn on Button Mode APa02 APa02 Apps Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 122 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-12: Fixed 40: Control Module Button Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module 130 Fixed PG 01 Page Up Control Module Turn on Button Mode Page Up Page Down Start Application 130 Fixed APa01 Page Up Control Module 130 Fixed PG 02 Page Up Control Module 130 Fixed APa02 Button Module Button Module Buttons 91120 PG 02 Button Module Buttons 6190 APa01 Button Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application 3160 No Paginate Buttons PG 01 Apps Control Module 130 Fixed PG 01 Button Module Apps Module 3160 Buttons Paginate 6190 PG 01 PG 01 Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Apps Module PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page Control Module 130 Fixed PG 02 Button Module Apps Module Buttons Buttons 91120 121150 PG 02 PG 02 Turn on Button Mode Buttons No 121150 Buttons APa02 Apps January 2006 Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module 123 Figure 7-13: Fixed 50: Control Module Button Module Applications Module Applications Module in Button Mode Applications Module in Applications Mode Control Module Button Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying Start Application None 4160 No Paginate Paginate Buttons PG 01 Page Up Control Module Button Module PG 01 Apps Control Module Button Module Apps Module None 4160 Buttons Paginate Paginate 6190 PG 01 PG 01 PG 01 Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page None Buttons Paginate 6180 Turn on Button Mode APa01 APa01 Page Up Page Down Page Up Control Module None Buttons Paginate 8190 Control Module Button Module Apps Module Start Application APb01 Page Up Control Module APb01 None Buttons Buttons Paginate 91110 111140 PG 02 PG 02 PG 02 None Buttons Paginate 91110 Turn on Button Mode PG 02 PG 02 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 124 Chapter 7: The Applications Module and TradeCentral Applications Basic IQMX Functions and the TradeCentral Applications Module Figure 7-14: Fixed 60: Control Module Button Module Applications Module Start Application Control Module Button Module Apps Module APa01 tells you Applications Module Buttons are displaying None 5160 No Paginate Paginate Buttons PG 01 Page Up Control Module Button Module PG 01 Apps Control Module Button Module Apps Module None 5160 Buttons Paginate Paginate 6190 PG 01 PG 01 PG 01 Page Down Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps Page Down Button Module Apps Module No Buttons Apps PG 01, 02, etc. and APa01, a02, etc. in the centerline tell you the current page None Buttons Paginate 6170 Turn on Button Mode APa01 APa01 Page Up Page Down Page Up Control Module None Buttons Paginate 7180 APb01 Page Up Control Module APb01 None Buttons Paginate 8190 APc01 Page Up Control Module Button Module Apps Module Start Application Control Module APc01 None Buttons Buttons Paginate 91100 101130 PG 02 PG 02 PG 02 Turn on Button Mode None Buttons Paginate 91100 PG 02 PG 02 January 2006 Chapter 8: System Information 125 8 System Information The System Information section of the manual provides procedures for viewing system parameters. As an IQMX operator, you ordinarily do not need the information in this chapter. But in a technical support situation, being able to provide the information to a technician may be useful. In This Chapter System Parameters. 126 Turret Interface (TICX) System Components. 126 View the TICX System Parameters. 126 Ethernet Switch (SWCH) System Component. 126 View the SWCH System Parameters. 127 Station (STN) System Component. 127 View the STN System Parameters. 127 View System Messages. 128 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 126 Chapter 8: System Information System Parameters The IQMX IP turret allows you to view information directly on the turret that was previously only available through the System Center software. There are three components from which to choose, and each component has its own set of parameters available for viewing. This section outlines the components and how to access them. Turret Interface (TICX) System Components The TICX command provides access to information about the TICX to which the IQMX IP turret is indirectly connected. Parameters available for the TICX are: IP Address Netmask Router Displays the IP address (example: Displays the Netmask (example: Displays the default routers address (example: Menu View SYS TICX parameter Next (or Quit) View the TICX System Parameters Press the Menu button to open the Programming Menu. 2 Press the View button. The turret prompts you to, Please select a button or Page. 3 Press the SYS button to open the System Parameters Menu. The turret prompts you to, Select System Component. 4 Press the TICX button. The turret prompts you to, Select TICX IP, Netmask, or Router. 5 Select the parameter whose information you want to view. You do not need to exit the Menu to View other selections. Press another TICX option to View the properties of that option. 6 Press the Next button to return to the System Parameters Menu and view another parameter value or press the Quit button to return to the Programming Menu. 1 Ethernet Switch (SWCH) System Component The SWCH command provides access to information about the Ethernet Switch to which the IQMX IP turret is connected. Parameters available for the Ethernet Switch are January 2006 127 LAC IP Address Port SNMP Displays the switch LAC (example: 200) Displays the switch IP address (example: Displays the switch port number (example: 15) Displays the SNMP port number of the switch (example: 20) View the SWCH System Parameters Menu View SYS SWCH parameter Next (or Quit) 1 2 3 4 5 6 Press the Menu button to open the Programming Menu. Press the View button. The turret prompts you to, Please select a button or Page. Press the SYS button to open the System Parameters Menu. The turret prompts you to, Select System Component. Press the SWCH button. The turret prompts you to, Select Switch LAC, IP , Port, or SNMP. Select the parameter whose information you want to view. You do not need to exit the Menu to View other selections. Press another SWCH option to View the properties of that option. Press the Next button to return to the System Parameters Menu and view another parameter value or press the Quit button to return to the Programming Menu. Station (STN) System Component The STN command provides access to information about the IQMX IP turret. Parameters available for the turret are IP Address LAC Location Menu View SYS STN parameter Next (or Quit) Displays the turrets IP address (example: Displays the Station LAC (example: 16717) Displays the location of the turrets station card (example: Cabinet: 1 Shelf: 3 Slot: 1 Offset: 15) View the STN System Parameters 1 2 Press the Menu button to open the Programming Menu. Press the View button. The turret prompts you to, Please or Page. select a button Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 128 Chapter 8: System Information View System Messages Press the SYS button to open the System Parameters Menu. The turret prompts you to, Select System Component. 4 Press the STN button. The turret prompts you to, Select Station IP , LAC, Location. 5 Select the parameter whose information you want to view. You do not need to exit the Menu to View other selections. Press another STN option to View the properties of that option. 6 Press the Next button to return to the System Parameters Menu and view another parameter value or press the Quit button to return to the Programming Menu. 3 View System Messages Messages sent from the System Center display on the Control Module if you have a pre-programmed Mesg button (See Program Module Buttons on page 55.) Mesg The Mesg button LED lights solid red when a system message is sent simply press the Mesg button to display the message. Up to ten messages may queue at once. Continue to press the Mesg button to view all messages listed. The LED turns off when you have seen the last one. You can program your message button to both ring and light green when a new message is received. January 2006 Appendix A: Acronyms and Turret User Maintenance 129 A Acronyms and Turret User Maintenance Acronym Definitions ApM CLI Applications Module Calling Line Identification contains the telephone number and name, if available, of the calling party. Also known as Caller ID. Direct Dialing Inward is a British term for a service where a call made to a DDI number arrives directly at an extension without the intervention of an organizations operator. The Alliance MX System uses DDI extensions for call forwarding. The Group Answer feature allows one intercom station to reply to the originator of a group call in a two-way conversation while other parties are disconnected. The Group Talkback feature allows multiple intercom stations to reply to the originator of a group call. Hands-free Mode. Toggles the active call between handset/talkpath and the handsfree speaker. The intercom function allows traders to speak to each other without using dialtone lines. For an internal intercom call the trader enters the TRID number of the trader he wishes to talk to. For multisite, the trader enters the site ID and 4-digit extension number of the trader he wishes to talk to. DDI GANS GTBK HFM Intercom Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 130 Appendix A: Acronyms and Turret User Maintenance IP The Internet Protocol (IP) is the standard protocol describing software that keeps track of the Internetwork addresses for different nodes, routes outgoing messages, and recognizes incoming messages. Trademark name for the IP turret designed for the Alliance MX System. The Logical Address Code is a unique identifier for each physical line appearing on all station devices. The Light Emitting Diode that indicates conditions (in use, on hold, etc.) on dialtone, private, and Intercom lines. Media Access Control is a unique 48-bit hardware address. A Private Branch Exchange is a small version of a telephone companys larger central switching office that is owned by the company using it. A signaling and control standard for Private Integrated Network Exchange applications. QSIG allows the Alliance MX System to communicate with a PBX. The Simple Network Management Protocol is a query/command/response protocol to examine and change configuration parameters and counter of LAN - and WAN-connected repeaters, bridges, routers, and other devices. A station card specifically intended to interface the IP turret to the Alliance MX System. The Trader Identification number is a unique number assigned to each trader for logging on to a keyset or turret. The Virtual Logical Address Code is an identifier for every virtual line on all station devices using intelligent protocols, such as QSIG. A Virtual Private Line is a type of private line that offers additional flexibility and functionality. A Wide Area Network links together computers and peripheral devices over an extended geographical area using links provided by local telephone companies. IQMX LAC LED MAC Address PBX QSIG SNMP TIC TRID vLAC VPL WAN January 2006 Accepted Cleaner for the IP Turret and Speakers 131 Accepted Cleaner for the IP Turret and Speakers Clean the IP turret modules with a pH neutral (pH of 6 - 8) non-abrasive window cleaner and a soft lint-free cloth. Regular Windex, AR Kleener, and Siemens Antistatic Surface Cleaner work well, as do brand-name baby wipes. Do NOT use vinegar-based solutions, Clearly Clean, Mr. Muscle, or Sprint cleaners. Avoid acidic and basic soapy materials, gritty cloths, paper towels or tissues, which may scratch or leave residue on the screens and between the keys and buttons. Clean the IP Turret Menu (clean) Quit 1 2 3 4 5 Spray the appropriate cleaner on the cloth, not directly on the Control, Applications, 4-Channel Speaker, or Button Modules. If running applications, tap the Trader Buttons Icon on the Standard Menu to return to Button Mode. Press the Menu button to open the Programming Menu. This action freezes the turret so you can clean without activating any buttons. Wipe down the components as necessary and dry with a clean lint-free cloth. Press Quit to return the turret to active mode. Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 132 Appendix A: Acronyms and Turret User Maintenance January 2006 Index 133 Index acronym definition 129 add Conference Broadcast Groups 83 distinctive ringing sound 78 features to Module Buttons 62 features to Softkeys 61 lines to Module Buttons 68 Simplex Groups 85 All Calls answer 54 with Answerback 53 without Answerback 53 Alliance IQMX IP turret 6 answer All Calls 54 Group Calls 52 Intercom Calls Hands Free 48 internal calls 35 Answerback 51 ApM 129 Applications Module 99, 102 Button Mode 107 Lock 105 Log Off 104 Log On 102 Power Up 102 Unlock 105 applications module 9 ARcl 60 assign lines to speaker channels 94 assignments edit Index Dial 74 Index Dial 73 remove Index Dial 74 A attributes line 74 auto-signal private line 75 background noise cancellation 17 basic turret functions 20 Blocking Tone 93 BRI turret 16 brighten turret 58 broadcast function types 82 groups 82 monitor incoming 97 on one line (manual latching) 93 overview 81 Broadcast Groups 82 add Simplex Groups 85 Conference 83 edit a Simplex Group 86 edit Conference 83 broadcasting internal 82 Brt Down 58 Brt Up 58 bSeq 58 Button Locking 9 Button Module 6, 11 Button Sequence (bSeq) 58 buttons add lines 68 edit lines 68 feature 57 line 66 program 55 program sequences 128 Swap lines 69 B Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 134 Index view information 66 Call Diversion 28 Call Forwarding 28 Call Management 23 Call Privacy 41 call transfers 35 Caller ID 42 calls answer Group Calls 52 answer internal calls 35 forward external calls 28 Group Calls using Intercom 51 Group Calls with Answerback 51 Group Calls with Talkback 52 Group Calls without Anwerback 51 Hands Free Intercom 48 hold external calls 27 Intercom on handset 48 place conference calls 38 place Direct Intercom 50 place external calls 26 place Intercom Calls 47 place internal calls 34 release external calls 27 release Intercom calls 48 release internal calls 35 retrieve from hold 28 transfer external to other TRIDs 37 transfer to a group of TRIDs 37 transfer to PBX extensions 37 change CLI display status 77 Float/No Float status 76 line attributes 74 passwords 21 priority status 75 ring status 76 signaling on Private Lines 75 speaker volume 97 the speaker volume 97 the turret ring volume 21 channel speaker toggle switches 90 CIMs 58 cleaning the IP turret and speakers 131 clear messages 58 CLI 36, 42, 129 display status 77 common Softkeys 58 C conference broadcast send 84, 87 conference calls place 38 setup 38 conference left 7 conference right 8 continuous ring 78 Control Module Softkeys 57 Control Softkeys defined 108 copy a module button 63 DDI 129 DDI extension 32 definition acronym 129 delete features from Module Buttons 64 features from Softkeys 61 descriptors 66 dim turret 58 Direct Intercom overview 50 direct page 58 distinctive ringing sound 78 Diversion 28 divert dual-destination 30 one button 32 document conventions 2 Do-Not-Disturb (DND) 58 D-PG 58 D echo cancellation 17 edit Conference Broadcast Groups 83 feature buttons 63 features on Softkeys 61 Index Dial assignments 74 lines on Module Buttons 68 Simplex Broadcast Groups 86 speed dial buttons 71 external calls forward 28 hold 27 place 26 release 27 E January 2006 Index 135 features add to Module Buttons 62 Call Diversion 28 delete from Module Buttons 64 edit on Module Buttons 63 on buttons 57 Fixed Buttons See also Fixed Rows. 113 Fixed Rows 113 Flip 58 Float 66 Float/No Float status 76 Flot 57 Flsh 70 forward external incoming calls 28 forwarding for extensions turn off 29 turn on 29 view status of 30 GANS 51, 52, 53, 129 global mute 92 Group Answerback Button (GANS) 52 Group Calls answer 52 using Intercom 51 with Answerback 51 with Talkback 52 without Answerback 51 Group Talkback 51, 52, 54 Group Transmit Buttons 11 GTBK 129 GTBK (Group Talkback) 51, 52, 54 F recall timer 28, 78 regular 27 retrieve calls 28 hold left 8 hold right 8 hookflash 70 Hunt 8, 40, 59 G ICM 59 Index Code 41 Index Dial assignments 73 edit 74 view 73 codes 73 numbers 41 Index speed dial 70 INTA 35, 78 Intercom Calls 45, 47 Internal Answer 59 internal broadcasting 82 internal calls answer 35 place 34 release 35 transfer line calls 37 IP 130 IP turret and speakers, cleaning 131 IQMX 130 IQMX IP turret 6, 16 Control and Button Modules 6 I H Hands Free Intercom Calls 48 handset calls 48 handsets 9 hardkey 9 HFM 8, 58, 129 mic connector 7 speaker 7 volume controls 7 HiPr 78 hold external calls 27 LAC 130 latching 93 LCnf 59 LEDs 14, 25, 75, 130 line buttons 25 on speaker channels 10 speaker 91 LHIs 59 LHld 59 line change the attributes 74 type 66 line button information 66 LEDs 25 L Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 136 Index Line Buttons 66 local mute 91 lock the turret 21 log off the turret 20 onto the turret 20 LoPr 78 LRcl 59 LSel 59 LSig 59 O one button diversion 32 overview broadcasting 81 system information 125 MAC Address 130 manual ringdown Private Line 75 master volume control 11 Menu button 7 menu programming 20, 57 Mesg 59, 78 microphone 9 toggle switches 11, 12 Module Buttons 55, 57 copy 63 defined 108 features add 62 delete 64 edit 63 information 66 lines add 68 edit 68 Swap 69 manage 62 Monitor Incoming Broadcasts 97 move calls from handsets to speakers 95 move calls from speaker to handset 96 multiple hunt groups 40 mute 8 global 92 local 91 none 91 MXF 34, 59 M NLP 17 no mute 91 non-linear processor 17 notes for group transfers 36 N page down 8 select 8 up 8 Pagination Control and Applications Module 107, 113 Control, Applications, and Button Module 111, 118 parts of the Control Module 7 password 21 pause 70 PBX 130 PBX transfers 37 place a Group Call with Answerback 51 a Group Call with Group Talkback 52 a Group Call without Answerback 51 All Call with Group Talkback 54 All Calls with Answerback 53 All Calls without Answerback 53 conference calls 38 Direct Intercom calls 50 external calls 26 Group Calls using Intercom 51 Hunt Call 40 Index Dial Call 41 Intercom Calls 47 internal calls 34 Speed Dial Call 40 priority 66 priority status 75 program button sequences 128 Module Buttons 55 speaker channels into talkback groups 96 programming menu 20, 57 Push-to-Talk 90, 92 Pvcy 41, 60 P Q QSIG 130 Quick Start 5 January 2006 Index 137 rCLI 60 RCnf 59 Read CLI Information (rCLI) 60 recall timer 28 receive group transfers 37 Intercom Calls on handsets 48 Redial Button last number called 41 manually signal private line 42 redial left 7 redial right 8 regular hold 27 release conferenced parties 38, 39 external calls 27 Intercom calls 48 internal calls 35 release left 8 release right 8 remote sites view button information 67 remove Index Dial assignments 74 lines from speakers 95 retrieve a call on hold 28 voicemail 43 RFIs 59 RHld 59 ring 66 change the status 76 pattern types 78 sounds 78 Rng Down 60 Rng Up 60 RRcl 60 RSel 59 RSig 59 R sCLI 60 select left 8 select right 8 send Conference Broadcast 87 Simplex broadcast 87 send a Conference Broadcast 84 S sequences, button 128 set up Broadcast Groups 82 conference calls 38 the hold call timer 78 transfer buttons to receive group transfer 37 Signal 8 signaling on Private Lines 75 Simplex Broadcast Group 85, 86 Sleep Mode 105 SNMP 130 Softkeys 9 features add 61 delete 61 edit 61 overview 57 view information 62 Speak to a Talkback Group 96 Speaker Button Management 89 speaker LEDs Applications Module Speaker Buttons 91 Button Module 91 ClearDeal 91 Speaker 4 91 speaker line assignments, view 95 Speaker Modules 90 speakers 4-Channel 13 assign lines to channels 94 change the volume 97 channels 10 functions 92 move calls 95, 96 remove lines 95 status 10 toggle switches 90 volume 97 volume controls 11 Speed Dial Index Dial assignments edit 74 speed dial create button 71 create for specific lines 70 edit buttons 71 Index 70 Index Dial assignments add 73 remove 74 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 138 Index view 73 overview 70 standard 70 Swap buttons 72 use hunt 71 SPKR 94 SPKV 94 station IQMX IP 6 status CLI display 77 Float/No Float 76 ring 76 STN 127 suppress outbound CLI (sCLI) 60 Swap lines on Module Buttons 69 speed dial buttons 72 SWCH 126 system components Ethernet switch 126 station 127 TICX 126 system information 125 system parameters 128 transfer calls 37 turn off forwarding for extensions 29 turn on forwarding for extensions 29 turret basic functions 20 BRI 16 buttons 55 change the ring volume 21 Control Module parts 7 display 58 IQMX 16 lock unlock 21 log on off 20 type of line 66 unlock the turret 21 use broadcasting 81 CLI 42 Direct Intercom 50 hunt 40 speaker channel toggle switches 90 SPKR 94 SPKV 94 U Talkback Groups 96 TIC 130 TICX 126 timer for hold recall 28 toggle switches 90 Ton 60 touch-tone volume control 60 TradeCentral Applications Module 99, 102 TraderVision Basics Button Mode 101 Standard Menu 101 transfer buttons for group transfers 37 calls 35 external calls to other TRIDs 37 to a group of TRIDs 37 to PBX extensions 37 line calls use internal call 37 notes for groups 36 transfer left 7 transfer right 8 TRID 130 TRID groups T view button information at remote sites 67 Index Dial assignments 73 line buttons without line networking 66 Module Button information 66 Softkey information 62 speaker line assignments 95 system parameters 128 the forwarding status of extensions 30 vLAC 130 voicemail 43 Vol Down 60 Vol Up 60 volume controls 11 of speakers 97 of turret ringing 21 touch-tone 60 VPL 130 V W WAN 130 January 2006 Index 139 Alliance MX 12.1 IQMX User Guide 140 Index January 2006 2006 by IPC Information Systems, LLC All Rights Reserved. IPC Information Systems, the worlds leading supplier of voice trading systems to the financial community, is based in New York City and has operations in the U. S. Canada, Europe, and the Far East. This publication may not be reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any foreign language or computer language, or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of IPC Information Systems, 777 Commerce Drive, Fairfield, CT 06825-5500. IPC Information Systems makes no representations or warranties of any kind whatsoever with respect to the contents hereof. IPC Information Systems shall not be liable for errors contained herein or for incidental or consequential damages in connection with the furnishing, performance, or use of this publication or its contents. IPC Information Systems reserves the right to revise this publication from time to time and to make changes in the contents hereof without obligation to notify any person of such revision or changes. IPC Information Systems warrants the Alliance MX System to be free from defects in materials and workmanship, and that the Alliance MX, if operated properly, will perform within applicable specifications during the warranty period. The above warranty is expressly in lieu of any other expressed or implied warranty, including any implied warranty of merchantability, and of any other obligation on the part of IPC Information Systems. IPC Information Systems does not warrant that the equipment can be used for any particular purpose other than that covered by the applicable published specifications. IPC Information Systems assumes no liability in any event, including negligence of IPC Information Systems, for consequential damages, for anticipated or lost profits, incidental damages, or loss of time or other losses incurred by any party in connection with equipment covered by this warranty or otherwise. Alliance MX is a trademark owned by IPC Information Systems. Sun and SunOS are registered trademarks of Sun Microsystems, Inc. All brand and product names used in this document are trademarks of their respective owners. All specifications are subject to change without notice. IPC Corporate Headquarters: Wall Street Plaza, 88 Pine Street, New York, NY 10005. Telephone (212) 825-9060 IPC United States Offices: Atlanta, Boston, Chicago, Cincinnati, Dallas, Los Angeles, New York, Philadelphia, and San Francisco. IPC European Headquarters: 67-73 Worship Street, London, EC2A2DU. Telephone 011 44 207 979 7200. IPC Asian Headquarters: 3301, 33/F The Center, 99 Queens Road, Central, Hong Kong. Telephone 011 852 2899 8000. IPC International Distribution: Canada, Frankfurt, Hong Kong, London, Singapore, Tokyo, and Zurich. Printed in U. S.A. The Alliance MX System has been approved for use in the US, UK, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bermuda, Brazil, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hong Kong, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Korea, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, Venezuela. IntrusionCalls made to/from the Alliance MX turret/dealerboard may be intruded upon or silently monitored by other users of the same equipment. Calls may also be voice recorded. All of these may cause loss of privacy to your call. US Registration Information The Alliance MX Telephone System complies with Part 68 of the FCC Rules. On the front of the equipment cabinet is a label that contains, among other information, the FCC registration number and Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) for the equipment. The following information must be provided to the telephone company if requested. FCC Registration No. USA: 2GKUSA-33285-MF-E Ringer Equivalence Number (REN): 1.2B Connectors: RJ21X Authorized Network Ports: 04DU9-BN/DN/1KN/1SN/1ZN, 02LS2, 02AC2 and 02NO2 Service Order Code: 6.0Y, 6.0P, 9.0F NOTE: Metallic pairs services might not be available from the telephone company at all locations. The REN is used to determine the quantity of devices that can be connected to the telephone line. Excessive RENs on the telephone line can result in the devices not ringing in response to an incoming call. In most, but not all areas, the sum of the RENs should not exceed five. To be certain of the number of devices that can be connected to the line, as determined by the total RENs, contact the telephone company to determine the maximum REN for the calling area. If the Alliance MX System causes harm to the telephone network, the telephone company will notify you in advance that service might need to be temporarily discontinued. But if advance notice isnt practical, the telephone company will notify the customer as soon as possible. You will be advised of your right to file a complaint with the FCC if you believe it is necessary. The telephone company can make changes in its facilities, equipment, operations, or procedures that could affect the operation of the equipment. If this happens, the telephone company will provide advance notice for you to make the necessary modifications to maintain uninterrupted service. If trouble is experienced with the Alliance MX Telephone System, contact IPC Information Systems, (203) 339-7800 for repair and/or warranty information. If the trouble is causing harm to the telephone network, the telephone company might ask you to remove the equipment from the network until the problem is resolved. This equipment cannot be used on public coin service provided by the telephone company. Connection to Party Line Service is subject to state tariffs. (Contact the state public utility commission, public service commission, or corporation commission for information.) The Alliance MX System is hearing aid compatible (HAC). This equipment is capable of providing access to interstate providers of operator services through the use of equal access codes. Modifications by aggregates to alter these capabilities might be a violation of the telephone operator consumer services improvement act of 1990 and Part 68 of the FCC Rules. This equipment complies with the requirements in Part 15 of FCC Rules for a Class A computing device. Operation of this equipment in a residential area might cause unacceptable interference to radio and TV reception, requiring the operator to take whatever steps are necessary to correct the interference. CAUTION:Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician as appropriate. NOTICE: The Ringer Equivalence Number (REN) assigned to each terminal device provides an indication of the maximum number of terminals allowed to be connected to a telephone interface. The termination on an interface may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the sum of the Ringer Equivalence Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 5. Canada Registration Information Certification Number: 632 9421 A Network Interface: LS/B/CT/DI2/DI3 Method of Connection: CA21A/CA81A/CA2HA/CA2GA Ringer Equivalence Number: 1.2 NOTICE: The Industry Canada label identifies certified equipment. This certification means that the equipment meets certain telecommunications network protective, operational, and safety requirements as prescribed in the appropriate Terminal equipment Technical requirements documents. The Department does not guarantee the equipment will operate to the users satisfaction. Before installing this equipment, users should ensure that it is permissible to be connected to the facilities of the local telecommunications company. The equipment must also be installed using an acceptable method of connections. The customer should be aware that compliance with the above conditions might not prevent degradation of service in some situations. Repairs to certified equipment should be coordinated by a representative designated by the supplier. Any repairs or alterations made by the user to this equipment, or equipment malfunctions, may give the telecommunications company cause to request the user to disconnect the equipment. Users should ensure for their own protection that the electrical ground connections of the power utility, telephone lines, and internal metallic water pipe system, if present, are connected together. This precaution may be particularly important in rural areas. CAUTION: Users should not attempt to make such connections themselves, but should contact the appropriate electric inspection authority, or electrician as appropriate. Interworking Problems In the event of interworking problems, the first instance of contact should be with IPC Systems Support, or other IPC designated representative. The network operator should only be approached after guidance from IPC. European Safety Information Equipment Location and Access Equipment Access Location The Alliance MX dealerboard main equipment cabinet should be installed within a restricted access location. Restricted access locationan area where access can only be gained by service personnel, or by users, who have been instructed about the reasons for the restriction applied to the location, and about any precautions that must be taken. Access to this area may be by means of a tool, lock and key, or other means of security, and is controlled by the authority responsible for the location. Service Access Area The Alliance MX dealerboard main equipment cabinet, internal, is a service access area. Service access areaan area where it is necessary for service personnel to have access, even with the equipment switched on. Equipment Mobility The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed as stationary equipment. Stationary equipmentequipment that is not movable, i. e. not portable after installation. Safety Classification of Equipment Earthing ClassificationThe Alliance MX dealerboard is Class 1 equipment. Class 1 equipment (in the case of the Alliance MX dealerboard)equipment where protection against electric shock is achieved by connection of the protecting earthing conductor of the equipment to the building protective earth. Connection to the Supply Connection to the Supply (mains source) The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed as a permanently connected equipment. Permanently connectedequipment that is intended for connection to the building installation wiring by screw terminals. CP-01, Part I Section 10.2 The Load Number (LN) assigned to each terminal device denotes the percentage to the total load to be connected to a telephone loop which is used by the device, to prevent overloading. The termination on a loop may consist of any combination of devices subject only to the requirement that the total of the Load Numbers of all the devices does not exceed 100. Australia Information WARNING:This equipment will be inoperable when mains power fails. The above statement is only true when there are no PSTN interface cards present in the Alliance MX System. If ALIC cards are present, power fail operation is permitted on 20 of analog PSTN lines. European Information Conformance to European Directives The IPC Alliance MX Dealerboard System, including the variant IQMX meets the following European Council Directives 1999/5/EC The Radio and Telecommunications Terminal Equipment Directive 73/23/EEC, as amended 93/68/EEC The Low Voltage Directive 89/336/EEC as amended 93/68/EEC The Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive. In meeting the Electro Magnetic Compatibility Directive the Alliance MX is classified as a Class A equipment. Declarations of Conformity to the above Directives can be obtained in the first instance from your local IPC representative. Technical Construction Files can be inspected at IPCs designated facility. Wiring to the Supply The Alliance MX dealerboard should be connected to the building wiring installation by an electrical cable that provides an adequate conductor cross sectional area that provides for the current being drawn by the system. Guidance to this cross sectional area requirement can be gained from EN60950 section 3.2.4 or the relevant section of the IEE Wiring Regulations or country of installation specific wiring regulations. The color-coding of this wiring should also conform to the specifications as laid down in the country of installation. Disconnection of the Supply The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed for connection to the mains supply via a disconnection device, which maybe used to disconnect the mains power supply from the equipment to facilitate servicing and maintenance. The disconnect device should be readily accessible and should be incorporated in the fixed wiring. Disconnect devicea switch that provides a minimum contact separation of 3mm and should provide simultaneous disconnection of both the live and neutral conductors. This disconnect device may be discrete or provided as part of the building installation wiring. Some disconnect devices complying with IEC1058-1, IEC204 (EN60204), and IEC947 (EN60947) are considered to provide for the requirements of the disconnection device for use with the Alliance MX dealerboard. Over-current Protection of the Mains Source The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed for connection to the mains supply via an over-current device. The over-current device may be installed as, a discrete device which is readily accessible and should be incorporated in the fixed wiring, and which may be the same equipment as used for the disconnection device (as above), or may be part of the building installation wiring. Over-current protection level in Amperes provided by the over-current protection device must afford protection at an appropriate level when considering the current requirements in Amperes of the Alliance MX dealerboard. Over-current devicea device that affords protection against excessive current being drawn from the mains supply on failure of the equipment. Earth Connection The Alliance MX dealerboard requires a permanent connection to the installation building safety earth. This safety earth should not be disconnected at any time whilst the Alliance MX dealerboard is connected to the mains source supply. The earth wiring should be in accordance with the IEE Wiring Regulations, or country of installation specific wiring regulations. Permanent connectiona connection by means of hard wiring and screw terminals. The earth wiring of a newly installed Alliance MX System should be tested for continuity. A test should be made between the main protective earth connection point of the Alliance MX System and the building earth. This test should be made with a voltage of 12 VAC or DC, and with a test current of 25 amps. The measured resistance between the Alliance MX earth connection point and the building earth should be 0.1 ohms, or less. The test should be carried out as per the IPC Earth Continuity Test Procedure and the results of the test should be recorded as detailed in the procedure. Rated Voltage and Current Rated Voltage The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed to be operated from a single-phase supply which has a nominal voltage of 230 VAC. Rated Voltage Range The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed to operate when its supply line voltage varies by up to /- 10 of the nominal supply voltage of 230 VAC. Rated Frequency Range The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed to operate from a supply line which is an AC voltage at a frequency of 50Hz nominal. This frequency may be in the range 4763Hz. Rated Current The Alliance MX dealerboard will draw a current in Amperes, re 230 VAC, that is related to the equipment configuration. The power requirement can be calculated by the following formula. Current A Power supplies x 6 Where Current A Amperes requirement Power Supplies the quantity of Todd power supply units type TCM1000-48Rs that populate the system, and which are provided for by 1 power feed from the mains source. Hazards Mains Source Voltage Hazard The Alliance MX dealerboard is powered from the mains source of 230 VAC, which is a lethal voltage. Access may be gained by service personnel into areas where this lethal voltage is present. The Alliance MX dealerboard is not equipped with automatic disconnect devices, such as safety interlocks, and the disconnect devices as described above must always be used when the service personnel intend to work on live parts. In multiple cabinet configurations of the Alliance MX dealerboard, there may be more than one disconnect device, i. e. a disconnect device for each cabinet. Service personnel should make themselves aware of the mains wiring configuration of the system before commencing work on any live parts, and should make checks to ensure that any live part they intend to work on have been disconnected from the mains supply using the disconnect device. Hazardous Energy Level A number of the secondary circuits of the Alliance MX dealerboard constitute an energy hazard. This energy hazard is a voltage that is not normally considered as lethal, but is a hazard due to the available power. The Alliance MX dealerboards 48 V secondary circuits constitute an energy hazard and service personnel should consider this hazard before working on or near any live parts. Hazardous energy levela continuous power level of 240VA or more, at a potential of 2V or more. NOTE: Each of the Alliance MX dealerboards power supplies provide 1000 VA at a potential of 48 V. The transport legs or wheels of the Alliance dealerboard cabinet are not withdrawn into the cabinet so that the base of the cabinet rests on the floor. The doors of the cabinet are open. The Alliance MX dealerboard, must be installed with its transport legs and wheels withdrawn into the cabinet, (or removed) so that the base of the cabinet rests on the floor. Service personnel should make themselves aware that the cabinet may be unstable if undue forces are present on any part of the cabinet whilst the cabinet doors are open. Moving Parts Hazard The Alliance MX dealerboard is equipped with cooling fans that have mechanical rotating parts. These rotating parts constitute a hazard. Service personnel should be aware of the installations moving parts hazard. Operating Conditions Environment Temperature The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed to operate when the environmental temperature is not greater than 30 degrees C, and where the humidity level is non condensing. Rated operating time The Alliance MX dealerboard is designed for continuous operation. Continuous operationoperation under normal load for an unlimited period. Ports Classification refer to EN60950. The Alliance MX dealerboard is equipped with ports (where a port is a connection point for other equipment) which are classified as SELV (safe extra low voltage), TNV1 (Telecomms network voltage 1), and TNV3 (Telecomms network voltage 3). These ports may only be connected to ports (of other equipment, or the Alliance) that are classified with the same classification, i. e. a SELV port may be connected to a SELV port, but must not, under any circumstances, be connected to a TNV3 port. SELVa secondary circuit that is designed and protected under normal and single fault conditions where the voltages do not exceed a safe value. This safe value being 42.4V peak, or 60VDC. High Leakage Current The Alliance MX dealerboard is Class 1 equipment and therefore requires permanent connection to the protective building earth. Removal of this protective earth will cause hazard. Mechanical Stability Hazard The Alliance MX dealerboard main equipment cabinet constitutes a mechanical stability hazard, if: TNV1a connection point to the telecommunications network for connection of digital services. TNV3a connection point to the telecommunications network for connection of the Alliance MX dealerboards analog network interfaces. Labeling General The Alliance MX dealerboard is labeled with a number of safety warning labels for information. Rating Label A rating label is affixed to the Alliance MX dealerboard main equipment cabinet to advise of the rated voltage and current requirements of the equipment, that also specifies the manufacturers name and address. Leakage Current Warning A leakage current warning label is attached at the mains connection point of the Alliance MX dealerboard which provides the following warning: High Leakage Current - earth connection essential before connecting supply Access Area A warning label is attached to the Alliance MX dealerboard on the main equipment cabinet exteriors that warns of the restrictive access. The label provides the following information: To be installed only in restricted access areas, see Instruction Manuals. Protective Earthing Terminals The wiring terminal intended for connection of the protective earthing conductor should be marked with the IEC 417 symbol 5019. Disconnect Device Where there is multiple power sources, providing power to the Alliance MX Dealerboard, then there must be prominent marking close to the access of the hazardous area, for service personnel, indicating which disconnect devices isolate the equipment completely and which disconnect devices isolate each section of the equipment. Part Number B02200049 Release 12.1 IPC Information Systems, LLC 777 Commerce Drive Fairfield, CT 06825-5500 USA Produced by Technical Publications
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